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Асцендент. Характеристики и функции.
Иво replied to Диляна's topic in Астрология - споделено, въпроси и отговори
Как да намери най-правилният път, как да се ориентира? За това трябва човек да изчисти взора си, да повдигне за миг поне кармичните очила и да погледне в същността си, в сърцето. Там ще намери отговор. Моето мнение е, че най-лесния начин за това е, човек да започне да следва дадена Школа под ръководството на Съвършен (както ги наричат на Изток). Но има и много други методи и пътища, както се казва ТУК. Астрологията сама по себе си също може да бъде път, врата за изучаващите я. Според мен тя ще играе силна роля в реализирането на пророчествата дадени за Епохата на Водолея. Няма най-добър Асцендент или зодия. Всяка зодия/АСЦ си имат плюсове и минуси както и еволюционни нива на проявление. Човек носи всички зодии и сили в себе си в потенциал, но според урока, който трябва да научи в дадения живот, взема съответния АСЦ и слънчев знак. За незапознатите с термина слънчев знак - той означава вашата зодия. Примерно ако сте зодия овен, вашия слънчев знак е овен. А както споменах по-горе, АСЦ си можете да определите ТУК. Успех на всички търсещи! -
Използвала си функцията "Карта на Мъдростта" от заглавната страница на Портала. Според мен си попитала какво трябва да бъде отношението ти към даден човек ... или може би житейски въпрос. Прав ли съм?
Жената е символ. Тя е символ на душата, на сърцето, на интуицията, на мекотата, на Природата, на Градивния принцип, на Любовта... Естествено споменатите думи от Ради трябва да се разбират/тълуват на няколко нива, не само физическо. Ето няколко примера: Когато, човек е бременен с някаква идея, подготвя се да я роди и да я изяви в света - повдигнете го, подкрепете го, помогнете му и той ще роди нещо ценно, нещо велико. Вслушвайте се в интуицията си и ще оправите вътрешния си свят. Пазете Природата и всички ще имат по-добро бъдеще. Развийте мекота в себе си, любов, и ще подобрите лични ви свят. Слушайте сърцето си и работите ви ще потръгнат. Дайте условия за развитие на една идея, торете я, поддържайте я, градете я и тя ще даде плод. Поддържайте Любовта във вас и един ден тя ще се превърне в голям огън, от който всеки ще може да запали факела си и да види по-добре пътя си. и т.н. Предложете още! Мислите ли че тези разсъждения са в правилната посока? На какво още е символ жената? Иво
Здравейте, Преди време бях говорил с един духовно търсещ, който ми разказваше за своя житейски път. Дълго време беше търсил себепознание в ашрами на Парамахнса Йогананда в САЩ, но в един момент осъзнал, че това, което му липсва в живота, е отношение към парите. Казал си: “Как мога да търся просветление, да разбера законите на Всемира, като не мога да се справя с един толкова обикновен и всекидневен въпрос - парите”. И тогава живота му взел обрат. Прекъснал усамотението си и решил да излезе в живота, там да приложи знанието си и да търси Истината. Минало време, с много усилия си намерил работа. И докато преди това парите не му стигали даже за паста за зъби, сега има добра работа. Често пътува и даже в момента си е направил програма: 6 месеца в САЩ – сериозна работа, 6 месеца – на обучение в Тайланд, Индия... където учи акупунктура, медитация и лечебен масаж. Друг ученик, само че от Школата на Беинса Дуно, ми беше споделил: “Бизнесът лош ли е? Или нашето отношение към него го прави такъв?” И в Библията е казано (цитирам по памет): "Как ще разберете Небесните работи, ако не можете да се справите със земните?" Всъщност, няма значение за коя Школа или духовен път говорим. Знанието е едно и Великите Учители на човечеството работят по един всеобщ план за повдигане на човечеството. Но да не се отклонявам от темата. Явно, че отношението към парите, е ключов момент по Пътя към Себепознание на всеки човек. Това важи особено за България, където голяма част от населението живее под критичния минимум. И изглежда, като че ли е по-лесно човек да си каже нещо от сорта: “аз ще израствам духовно, няма да се занимавам с пари” или пък: "и без това ми дават малко, зашо да се напрягам ". Но, както беше писал известния лектор и преподавател по будистка медитация Джек Корнфиилд("Път със сърце"): “Нещата, които правим добре... не там ще се отвори най-добре духовният ни живот.... Точката, в която най-пряко можем да се отворим за тайнството на живота, е там, където не се справяме добре, в точките на нашите борби и уязвимости... Това, което сме търсили се оказва точно тук, погребано под самия проблем и самата слабост.” Какво мислите за парите? Какво трябва да бъде отношението ни към тях? Те средство ли са или цел във вашия живот? Ако са цел защо? А ако са средство към какво? Поздрави, Иво
Асцендент. Характеристики и функции.
Иво replied to Диляна's topic in Астрология - споделено, въпроси и отговори
Киро, а как би обяснил тази теза при хората с АСЦ един знак и слънце в същия знак? По-астрономически обяснено Асцендента е знака, който изгрява на хоризонта в момента на раждане на човек. Поздрави на всички, Иво -
Здравейте Ради, Благодаря ти за интересната тема. Напоследък излезе много информация за историята на България. Изглежда голяма част от информацията е били съзнателно укривана, манипулирана и променяна. Явно има силии, които нямат интерес това да стигне до хората и до ушите на международната общност. Примерно, според последни проучвания, имало е 5 Велики Българии досега. Последната е нашата, а предпоследната Волжка България (вижте например: Няколко случки из живота на древните българи край Волга). Започава да става все по-явно, че българите имат задача/мисия... А може би всеки народ си има? Но доколко я изпълнява? Интересно за мен е близкото звучене на думите Дуло (именития български род) и Дуно (Беинса Дуно - Учителя). Дали е случайно? Иво
Loaves and Fishes – an extraordinary talk by Beinsa Douno David Lorimer I told you how Christ nourished 5000 people with five loaves and two fishes. There is much spoken about this miracle. Now I will treat this story in such a way as to show you how many occult things are hidden there. There are many plausible attempts to explain this miracle, but in order to understand the Bible we shouldn’t take it literally. All the things we see in Nature – in the mineral kingdom, the plants, the animals, the people – are revealed to our eyes as separated, without any obvious connection. Sometimes we delude ourselves, looking at things without grasping the links between them, which are in fact always there. Only more advanced people see that there are links everywhere. There are three worlds: 1.The world of facts 2.The world laws and 3. The world of principles. Many facts are linked with each other and there is a law that governs them. One law governs many facts, which could be separated. Laws are governed by a higher world – that of the principles. So, one principle governs many laws, one law governs many facts. If we want to study all the facts in Nature, they are so numerous that we will fail. We need to understand the law that governs the numerous facts in all four kingdoms: the kingdom of the Illuminated, the kingdom of the Angels, the Archangels, and the Gods. We can tell that everything has a form or body in which its contents are displayed, but also something more essential – its meaning. Forms and facts are visible to all, everyone is able to see things but if we do not see the links between them, we will fail to understand their contents. And, more importantly, we need to rise higher – to the world of the spirit - in order to understand their meaning. We have to study the form, the content and the meaning. The average person stops at the point of studying the facts. Scientists and philosophers go deeper, studying the content. The Illuminated, the Prophets and the Masters understand the deep meaning and the meaning of all things in life. There are things in this lecture which seem separated, but with your help and with your good will we will attempt to rise enough so to understand their meaning. This evening I will work as an artist who will create a picture in front of your eyes. In the story of the five loaves and the two fishes we are told about a child who gave them to Jesus, and then about 5000 people except the women and the children. We know that number of women and children at this time was far greater than the men, so there was a big crowd of people around Jesus. But let’s forget the bible story for a moment and look at the circle of the Zodiac. In fact, we can understand it only by turning to astrology, because all the symbols in the Bible are taken from the Living Zodiac. You know that in one year the Sun passes through all the zodiacal signs and the living point of the spring equinox - where the eclipse crosses the equator - moves in a direction which is contrary to the Sun. Every 2,160 years this point changes its place in the zodiacal constellations, which is followed by changes in all areas of life. There are forces that start to have an impact on mankind from this moment through the new constellation. The initiates in Atlantis were able to see the present and the future using this link. They knew what forces were hidden in the signs and forecasted the events to take place when the point of the spring equinox changes its place. All this was written on the pyramids by the Egyptian initiates. The Chaldeans had deep knowledge of astrology. Each religion is founded on two constellations – the opposite signs in the circle of Zodiac. It is said that the Christian religion was founded on the signs of Pisces and Virgo, so the axis Pisces - Virgo is the Christian axis. This evening we will not study the other axes - this study would require a great deal of time. The religion that is of interest to us for the moment the one along the Pisces-Virgo axis. We find the symbols of Pisces and Virgo everywhere in the New Testament, but we also find them in all other religions, because the symbol of Virgo exists since time immemorial. In all religions we find the symbol of the virgin: Isis in Egypt, Devinata, who gave birth to Krishna in India, she bore a lotus in the water. This is an eternal image in Nature. The Virgin represents pure nature, untouched and holy, which produces, which creates the eternal Son of humanity, the higher Self, or – as we call Him – Christ. The symbol of Pisces is found also in all religions. Jesus always used symbols, for instance: “If you ask your father to give you a bread, will he give you a stone, or if you want fish, will he give you a snake?” These words are not accidental. The symbols fish – bread represent the axis Pisces – Virgo, because Virgo is always represented as a young girl, bearing spike of wheat, which gives bread. Christ always worked, spoke, thought and healed with this axis. Then we will see how many miracles could be done with the help of this axis if man builds his life on it. The Pisces are mentioned everywhere in the Testament, as well as the bread. In the story about the five wise and the five foolish virgins we hear about oil and lamps. They are again the same symbols. The fishes and the bread were the two things, with which the disciples of Jesus Christ worked, because He taught them the secrets hidden in the bread and the fishes. Let us now study Pisces and Virgo from the astrological point of view. We will see that the ruler of Virgo is Mercury and the ruler of Pisces is Jupiter (together with Neptune and Venus, but Jupiter prevails). Mercury is the young boy and Jupiter the stable man. All planets influence certain periods of human life: the Moon rules over the birth and first years, childhood is ruled by Mercury, from puberty the influence of Venus starts, the Sun follows it – when man decides to create home, some social status, chooses his work, Mars impacts the grown up man, who fights for his family, defends his security, Jupiter rules over the ripe years of man – the father of a large family, whose children respect and obey him, who is respected and has his place in society. Saturn is the grandfather, who prepares himself for the other world. So Pisces is related to Jupiter and Virgo to Mercury. Virgo symbolizes purity and Pisces mercy, benevolence, love and generosity. You must know that the Christian epoch, represented by both signs attempted to develop in the souls of the people the virtues of the Virgo- Pisces axis which means of both principles – the masculine as Mercury and the feminine – Vines. That is why both principles are blended in the Christian religion: mercy, benevolence, goodness, purity and chastity. Jesus Christ represents the axis between sixth and twelfth houses of the horoscope. Jesus Christ, who represented this axis was born from a Virgin and is revealed as Pisces JHTIS (fish in Greek). Every letter of the Greek word JHTIS is the first letter of the following sentence: Jsus Christos Teos Ios Sotiris, which means Jesus Christ Son of God Saviour. So, Christ was born from a Virgin and represented all the qualities of the Pisces, so it was His axis. If you look at the Zodiac, you will see that every year at the beginning of winter the constellation of Virgo rises on the horizon on 24th or 25th of December. On the opposite side are the Pisces, in the height of the sky could be seen the Twins and opposite them there is the Sagittarius. The Virgo is on the east point, and the Pisces are on the west and this is not accidental. Let us study the fishes a little. During the last century, in studying eels, scientists were surprised to find that all eels living in the rivers and near to the coasts of the sees were female. They couldn’t understand how they spawn because they never found roe in them. They supposed that these fishes are hermaphrodites, because they didn’t find male specimens. They developed a number of theories to explain the spawn of the eels in Europe till the day when, by an exploration of the ocean, vast numbers of eels were observed, moving at a depth of 500 m towards the Sargasso Sea. A fundamental investigation of this question led to the conclusion that all eels from Europe gather at this place to lay their spawn there. The small eels, which are hatched from the eggs, return with the ocean-flow to Europe, from where their parents came. This return takes two years during which the small eels reach maturity and the females move to the rivers, lakes and marshes. The scientists didn’t find the answer to the question why the eels from all the world spawn in this place, how they recognize this place. This is a millennium-old tradition of this species. Eels are the only fish which undertake such a journey. There are hidden secrets in these facts. The eels are similar to snakes, and Jesus Christ says: “If you ask your father for a fish, will he give you a snake?” Why do eels, which are like snakes, cross the ocean? Those who study the flow of the atmosphere and the winds tell that moving clouds are also formed above the Sargasso Sea at a height of 1000 metres and then cross the ocean, they come from west to east over Europe and dissipate over Russia. This is strange and the true reason remains unknown, because scientists attempt to explain these events only physically, but these explanations are not sufficient. There is one place where the eels spawn and in the same place the mass of clouds are formed which then travel to Europe. What lies at this point? What is the miraculous force at work here? Everyone who studies Nature knows that all events are linked with each other, that nothing happens by chance. What is a secret for common science isn’t a secret for Divine science, because the first one studies the facts separately, without discovering the link between them, which reveals the true underlying reasons. In this place is Atlantis, the disappeared continent. Long ago there was some great undertaking there. There are also other currents passing through this point, but these are not the main reasons for the facts that we are studying now. They happen under the influences coming from one another point on the globe. The migration of the eels happens every year in a certain time – they choose the moment when the Sun leaves the sign of Scorpio and enters Sagittarius. At this time all the eels from Europe form a miles-long cordon through the ocean. There is a circulation of eels in both directions. From east to west they need 6 months to reach the place where they spawn and from west to the east the young eels need 2 years for their return to the coasts. The old eels leave Europe in the autumn and return slowly in the spring. Today’s lecture is connected with this return of the eels because today the Sun is in Taurus and this night the moon will enter Sagittarius at midnight. Occultists and their disciples know that every year there is a gathering of the most advanced disciples, who travel like the eels. Where do they go? To the big ceremony of Wesak in India, in a place well known by initiates. There all the Initiates gather. When? At the full moon in May every year. Today we have the full moon in Sagittarius after midnight in 14th of May. All true disciples and initiates leave their physical bodies and travel to this place in India to participate in the great ceremony of Wesak together with the great Masters of the humanity. Only those who go there today and in the next few days will know what happens there. I have permission to tell you all these things now, despite the fact that it is usually forbidden speak of them. These are holy things and must not be shared with everyone, but the great Masters who take part in this ceremony have no fear of anything, because people who are not able to go beneath into the realms of the content and meaning of things will not understand anything even if the great secrets of Nature were to be revealed before him. They will be still attached to their physical bodies on earth. On the other hand, those who understand will strive towards this place. They will strive there, where the great Masters of humanity give out an immortal food – the two fishes and five loaves. Ponder on the meaning of the following correlation: At a latitude of 75 degrees East and longitude 30 degrees North – there is Agarta in the Himalayas where the Wesak ceremony takes place . At 75 degrees West and 30 degrees North is the place where the eels spawn, where the mass of clouds is also formed. Both points are related to each other – Agarta is the gathering of advanced beings, who create magnetic and electric currents, which radiate from the town of the initiates and concentrate in the other gathering in the Atlantic ocean. Ponder on this strange relation between the disciples and the eels which could be regarded also as true disciples. There are “eels” among men –or people who are more advanced then others and who know where they must go. The disciples – eels know that they must go to the point of 75 degrees West and 30 degrees North. Here they can learn many things, the eel spawn there in the course of milliards of births. There are also milliards of births in Agarta in the sense of feelings and thoughts. The human eels spawn warm feelings and thoughts to be spread out all over the world. If we study the atmosphere we will find also the corresponding miracle. The clouds travel in the bright space, the eels, in the ocean’s depth, where the currents are tempered, far from the surface. The disciples also like to rise high in the atmosphere, to reach the stable levels, where a great calm reigns. All these events are similar, and they take place symmetrically in the both sides of the Greenwich meridian. The human eels starts their pilgrimage in May, the true eels – in October and November – the opposite months. They go back when the disciples hurry to Himalayas. This is not an accident. If we understand the events and ponder on them, we will find out many marvelous things. I told you that the events in Nature are fragmented and your task is to find the links between them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For instance the simple presence of oxygen and hydrogen is not enough to produce water. We must blend them. Oxygen is the masculine principle and hydrogen is the feminine one. Oxygen is our mind and hydrogen the heart. We study a lot of facts, all sciences, all philosophies. We understand them excellently, know all moral instructions, all true paths, but when we have to apply these to manifest what we know, there appears a contradiction between our heart and our mind. The mind knows one thing, but the heart feels differently. This duality exists inside us, in society, among nations, everywhere where humanity exists. Our hearts are not in a tune with our minds, so hydrogen is not united with oxygen in us , consequently we are dry due to the lack of water in us. The future disciples will understand this and will unite the heart and the mind in order to receive water. To be deprived of water means to be deprived of love. All diseases of the nervous system are result of this. For instance neurasthenia is due to the lack of water in the nerves. Here I mean not physical water, because, in addition, there is astral, mental and spiritual water. There will come a time when our mind and heart will be harmonized, they will work in union. To achieve this we must: first put our knowledge to work, and second, feel according the advice of our conscience. We know much about angels and the heavenly life, but our feelings contradict this knowledge. This duality produces all illnesses, as well as all dissatisfaction and troubles. So water symbolizes the link between mind and heart. Now we know that the eels follow a natural law, as well as the advanced disciples, who are attracted to Agarta, where there exists a certain kind of magnetism which impacts pure souls. You have to understand that the axis, connecting Agarta with the Sargasso sea is the axis of Jesus Christ. This is the axis Pisces–Virgo, along which all initia achieve the birth of their Higher Self. The initiates go to this place to eat from the two fishes and the five loaves in order to enable the possibility of the Divine principle to be born in their souls – the principle of Christ. Some day all human eels will set off for this bright place, attracted by its influence, the light, the purity which dwells there. Maybe this evening some of you will go there, will see miracles happen and will understand many things. Doubt didn’t bring any achievements to us, it brought duality which is true death. Doubt , criticism and hatred create a gap between our soul and the universe which destroys life and retards our elevation. If people knew the danger of doubt they would throw it away with the words: ”You are my eternal enemy. You stand on my way towards understanding the secrets of nature. From now on I will not follow your advice, I will not hesitate and check if the truth exists or not. You tell me that this is stupid and useless, but you are doubt and I know that you are the worst of teachers.” Pay attention to something I told you: Jesus and the apostles nourished 5,000 people with two fishes and five loaves. We know that the words in Bible are measured. Study the human being anatomically, then turn to physiology, which establishes the links between the parts of the body and their functions. The third study is the psychological one, which will reveal things that are higher. The science corresponding to anatomy is astronomy, which describes the world and classifies the subjects as planets, suns, comets and nebula. Astrology, which explains the links between the constellations and the different areas of life, ruled by them, represents the physiology of the world. The Kabbala is the psychology of the world. Let’s look the human body and search for the places of Pisces and Virgo in it. According to astrology, Virgo is connected with the solar plexus and Pisces rule the feet. The solar plexus and the feet are linked and represent the axis of Jesus Christ. The sympathetic nervous system consists of ganglia and nerves. There are three pairs of sympathetic ganglia situated in the base of the brain, 12 pairs parallel to the spinal column and four pairs linked with the stomach and four intrinsic pairs of ganglia. The first three pairs – the brain glands - symbolize the spiritual word or the Kabbala, the next 12 pairs parallel to the spinal column represent the world of Nature – Astrology. The next four are the four elements of the alchemists and the left ones are a reflection of the matter of hell. So, Virgo rules the solar ganglia, whose form is like that of the sun. There are two ganglia below it, whose form is like two fishes. In the very solar plexus there are five ganglia, which represent the five loaves. In this way we come to the five loaves and the two fishes. This might seem strange but this is the truth. There are two fishes – female and male, linked to each other. The male and the female eels, which live separately, meet in Sargasso sea when the Moon enters Sagittarius to spawn there. Their separate life and their meeting are remarkable. Jesus Christ left Palestine, whose latitude is 30 degree to visit the Himalayas, to eat divine food and to learn all about human nature. He was ready to be introduced to the great secrets, lying on the axis Pisces - Virgo. He remained in Agarta to study there for a long time, and at 30 he returned to Palestine, and nourished the people with the five loaves and two fishes. But these were not physical fish. You know that the baby is linked in a womb of the mother with a cordon and feed /nourishes/ in this way. This cord – the link with the mother, who represents also Nature, the Virgo, is cut after birth, but there remains another, invisible one, which connects the baby directly with the navel of the virgin Nature, the universe, which nourishes it. This cord sustains life through the solar plexus, which is ruled by Virgo, who is Nature. What is the meaning of the two fishes, why are they placed there? Whoever is skilled in how to use them can travel through the space. This can only be done by one who is free, who has developed the two fishes and the five loaves in themselves, which are the five virtues: Good, Justice, Love, Wisdom, Truth. Mercury was the child who brought the two fishes and the five loaves. The crowd are all the cells of the whole body, who are fed every day on the five loaves and two fishes from the solar plexus. If the last one doesn’t work well and fails to transmit the Divine food, all cells will hunger and die. The solar plexus is Virgo, but also the Son, born by Virgo – the supreme consciousness, the intuition born in Virgo which nourishes our cells. People who don’t realize this, who have no love and light in themselves, don’t manifest in themselves the newborn Jesus. That is why they are not able to nourish the multitude of their cells and they starve. Regardless of possessing the two fishes and the five loaves in their solar plexus, they nourish themselves only physically, because the supreme consciousness, Jesus Christ, the intuition, the light, the Divine Love is not yet born in them. In this case they will search for somebody else to nourish them. How can one provide a nourishment to all others? I can tell you better how to nourish yourselves every day through your own solar plexus, to show you a way to receive from the abundant source of life, so that your thirst will be satisfied. It is simple and easy. You only need to know how to want it, to strive for it. Only the pure one can enter into Agarta. You can enter there only being pure in your deeds, your food, your feelings and thoughts. The washing of your feet and purifying them is connected with your solar plexus. By reaching this state you will be able to travel, to forecast the future, to nourish all your cells. All will be content then and 12 basketfuls of crumbs will be left for the dogs and the others. This will happen in Love and Purity, through the signs of Pisces and Virgo which build the axis of Christianity. Why did Christ represent this axis and why He was crucified? He came in order to nourish mankind, to reveal Purity, Love and Wisdom. Let us turn again to the axis Virgo – Pisces. Virgo rules the sixth house, Pisces rules the twelfth one, which brings difficulties in life. Christ healed the ill people through His purity by telling them: ”Only with fasting and prayer can you send away the devils and rule over the spirits.” He expelled evil spirits from ill people, and they left the sufferers under his command, but entered the Pharisees and Sadducees. The demons would like to remain in the sufferers, who nourished them with their sins. By expelling them, Christ had to pay for the debts of the ill ones. In this was his sacrifice: He had to apply His force in order to pay for the relief of the ill ones from evil spirits. He knew that He would suffer and would be crucified. In the twelfth house Judas met him. Jesus knew that someone wouldl betray Him in the twelfth house of the Pisces. But Judas was a collective being and the role which he played was necessary. The sacrifice of Christ was that, being innocent, He gave people freedom, wisdom, light, which flow through Virgo, and because of this he was obliged to suffer in Pisces. In finishing, I will tell you that you will not be able to understand either the Truth and the New Testament or the secrets of Nature, without being really pure. People must eat pure food, have pure feelings, think of pure things, do pure deeds. Whatever they say, without living in this way, all will be closed before them. They will knock at the door and cry in vain – all the doors will remain closed. Contemporary humanity has to feel itself as one. All have to stand up on their feet and realize that they are sent to be free, to serve and to work for the great benefit of all. source: http://www.inward-bound.net/resources/DL_loaves.htm
Awakening of Collective Consciousness Beinsa Douno Please, be so kind to listen to me; I am not going to speak long. Wise persons do not need long speeches, what they need is a short, but sensible and comprehensible talk. With all my compliments and respects to you I would like to speak to you concisely and clearly, the way I would speak to intelligent people. Life on Earth is music. It flows in three directions. Let me express this in musical terms – sometimes Life follows a major scale, as in the case when military men express themselves; at other times it follows a minor scale – the way sorrow is expressed; and finally it follows a chromatic scale, which includes the first two scales. These are three great methods, three great laws that regulate our lives. When we do not understand the deep inner meaning of Life, we focus on nonessential matters and we ask ourselves why Life is organized the way it is and not differently. Be aware that I maintain the positive view of an experiential science in Life, which we have verified ninety nine times, and as a result we do not have even one hundred millionth of a doubt about what we are saying. Doubt is an indication of ignorance in the world. I do not imply that ignorance is bad; but it presents a process of development. For example, all infants are born ignorant and their consciousness has to be gradually awakened and developed further on. Hence, human consciousness /if I am to express myself in strict scientific language/ passes through three stages: essential, substantial and material stage. The essential stage includes the principles of Life, the substantial stage includes the laws of Life and the material one – the facts of Life. Therefore, the grouping of facts in the world, i.e. when aggregated our personal little experiences form a law and we say that this law is expressed one way or another. Currently, contemporary scientists refer to the law as something mechanical, but it is a living essence. A law can exist only in beings who are elevated, whose consciousness has passed through the material stage – from the facts to the laws, from the individual to the general and from the general to the whole. We ask ourselves: what is most important to us after we are here on Earth? In the present circumstances people think that life on Earth is most important when they are well off materially; so all the nations individually and collectively are striving for their material security and wellbeing. Thus today we have the so-called economic struggle. The current aspiration of nations towards the material is a trend. Hence, human consciousness advances from the material to the substantial stage or in other words the collective consciousness in man[1] is in a process of awakening. Until now, similar to the animal world, humanity has been living in collective sub-consciousness and from now on entire humanity is advancing to collective consciousness, in other words people are beginning to realize that they need one another. Until now everyone has being living for himself alone, everyone has been seeking his personal salvation. But now humanity as a whole is moved by an inner impulse towards the improvement of the common status, not only of one, but of all social classes. Moreover, in a reasonable way: not individually as we think. Thousands and thousands of years ago humanity itself ruined its own wellbeing. There were reasons for that, but I am not going to elaborate on them. Once upon a time Earth was like Paradise: the vegetation was so diverse that there were thousands and millions of fruits and as a result people ate only fruits. However, due to certain physical reasons, an ice age befell the Earth. Consequently, its fertility decreased and as a result people began to eat meat, to kill and nourish not only on animals but also on one another. That is why the following saying still exists among people: "I will suck out your blood". Well, I ask you: if one sucks out someone else's blood, what will he gain? If one kills someone else, what will he gain? This is a misconception of Life. Not only people as a whole do not get along, but religious and spiritual people have also lost the correct understanding of Life, though they are in the forefront, considering that they have a connection and communion with God and considering that they have the right to lead. I am telling you the Truth. It is not that others do not want to tell you the Truth or that they are hiding it intentionally, but it is just natural for them. If a thorn gets stuck in someone's foot, this person becomes nervous. Take the thorn out and he will calm down. Therefore, if people of today are bad, it is because each one has a thorn in his flesh bothering him all the time. Apostle Paul said that he had a thorn that constantly bothered him. I have never met anyone without a thorn. While the thorn is in us, we cannot be clear-sighted, we cannot think properly. Our philosophy is distorted because of the thorn. Take the thorn out and you will have a sound philosophy of Life. An English merchant asked a preacher to explain to him what was taught in the Bible. The preacher spoke of this and that. The merchant then said, "No, no, tell me particularly and in a few words what this teaching is about". He wanted to grasp the essence, to see the kernel outside its shell. Finally the preacher advised him: "Buy yourself the Bible: you can learn lots of things from it". The merchant bought the Bible and read a lot from it, but since then his business began to deteriorate and he suffered big losses. "Ever since I bought this book only misfortunes have come upon me", he said to himself angrily. Eventually he threw the book in the fire. While the Bible was burning, a small shred of a page fell to the side. He took it and read: "God is Love". At present contemporary Christians keep asking, what is Christianity like, what type of religion is it? They go around saying, that Christianity is this and that. No, no, God is Love that is to unite all people in order to live in Love, Peace and Brotherhood[2], regardless whether they are kings, rulers, or of any other social position; these are secondary things. All people have to live according to Love as brothers, respecting one another. They have to share everything willingly: not by force, but voluntarily and consciously. Once we touch upon this subject, other questions arise: is there an afterlife or not, which religion is most truthful and so on. I say, there is only one Teaching in the world that can improve our homes and this is the Teaching of wise Love, not contemporary class love. Principal Love; Love containing self-sacrifice, containing love of mothers, brothers, friends, saints, love of the most enlightened people in the world. Once this Love comes to dwell in us, our eyes will be opened. At present there are many people in the world, who doubt whether humans possess a sixth sense or not and whether they can see with it. Everyone can see with it. When a young lad falls in love with an unattractive girl, he sees in her what the rest cannot see. He says, "She is a jewel". When we love someone, we see someone's abilities and talents. Where are they? There is a place, where we see these talents. However, when we do not love someone, we assign to him the worst qualities, saying that he is like this or that. Now, a great law is becoming effective in the world. Be aware that the world has entered a new stage and even ten years will not pass before this trend will be intensified. This great law is currently at work in all human beings; it is acting in the human minds and hearts. One can see that this law is being activated because nowadays all people are restless. Why are they feeling restless? If they were poor, we could say that they had to work a lot and as a result they became restless. This is understandable. But why are scientists and rich people restless? In addition, religious people are also restless and all the people are restless. Why? – Because they only have beliefs, but not faith. If today there were persecutions of one's faith, I do not know how many would withstand. All people are Christians today, because nobody persecutes them, but one's faith is tested and proven in difficulties. Self-sacrifice is being tested in poverty, deprivation or when hard moments come. When one sacrifices one' s life, it is also a test of his character. Therefore, which is the ultimate wellbeing in the world? – The wellbeing of an individual, of a nation, of the whole society or of entire humanity? These are single and the same things. An individual presents a miniature of entire humanity. Therefore, a nation in the process of its development reflects humanity in a diminished form. For this reason when we talk about an individual, we think of him as a seed. When we talk about a society, I deduce that this seed has started to grow. When we talk about a nation, I deduce that this seed has started to grow more and more and when we talk about humanity in its wholeness, I deduce that this seed is branching out, blooming and bearing fruit. If we understand Life in this way, we will know that everyone of us is a necessary part of humanity. We do not understand humanity in the way that half of it has been created to live in Paradise and the other half in hell. I know that when we perceive God as Love, we all live in Paradise and everything outside Him is emptiness. But to know God, we must have Love. Every person, every form is a factor in this Love. The forms, in which we exist now, are not completed. Do you think that you have come onto Earth for the first time; that you were born for the first time? No, everyone of you has a long history and if someone describes your history, you will be very interested to see who you were in the past and who you will be in the future. This is a great process we are passing through. For example, when someone is elevated and noble, he is aware that all people have to live in Love. Whoever he is, he will use all the conditions of Life, so that he would contribute to the common wellbeing. Only Love provides all these conditions. I am not going to elaborate on and explain the reasons for the struggles in the world. In my view they appear naturally. I will illustrate them with the following example: take two trees, planted next to one another. These two trees with their multitudes of leaves, blooms and branches live well together just like brothers, and they bill and coo; but all of a sudden a wind comes out and their leaves and branches intertwine and twist together. The wind grows stronger, a storm rises up and the branches collide. They ask one another: "What are you twisting?" I ask, what is the reason for this – external or internal? – The reason is external. At present, the reasons for misunderstandings between people are external as well – these are the economic conditions. This is the wind that makes people quarrel and struggle among themselves. Some ask how long this storm will last. A storm can last 24 hours, 48 hours, no longer than three days and then all the leaves will rest still. Currently, there is a storm in the world that is pushing and sifting us; there will be broken legs and arms. Therefore do not grow angry, this storm will soon subside. This social storm will end in 45 years, but only if people grow wiser. However, if they do not learn from their experiences how to improve their lives, the storm will continue even longer. But if they learn from their experiences, the storm will subside sooner, because the great law governing the world is intelligent – regardless if one is a believer or not. There is a rational force, a great law in the world that compels people – both believers and atheists – to think and to act in one and the same manner. Many times I have seen people, who do not believe in God, do not go to church, but jump in the water and risk their lives to rescue someone. The law in such a person is not mechanical; he was born with a different law – the law of self-sacrifice. Therefore, he has within something greater than the formal religion. Religion came into the world later. Some people ask, "Are you religious?" One can be religious and yet be dishonest. Religion is not a label, indicating one's honesty. To test this assertion visit all the merchants for example, who go to church and believe in God; then review their accounts and note how they sell. The law ruling the world is different. Love must live in their hearts and they have to be awakened as people who do not cheat their brothers. Thus they will view the interests of others as their own interests and consequently they will not sell bad merchandise to their brothers. We will have mutual understanding only if we view our work in this way. If we view one another according to the nationality – asking one another, "Are you Bulgarian, English, French, German" – we will not have mutual understanding. We say, "The Bulgarians are bad". These are individual ideas and not collective consciousness; this is not yet a Divine law. The Divine principle has not been still manifested in the nations. These nations care only about their own economy. No nation is more privileged than another one, because each nation has its own place. For example, if I raise my hand and stretch one of my fingers upward, and this same finger has decided that it is the most privileged of all, what will happen? This one finger shows only the direction, but it is impossible to work with it alone; work is accomplished using all the fingers as each one has its own place on the hand. Only when all fingers are together, our hand as a whole is able to fulfill its obligations and presents a symbol of will. Hence, when a nation realizes its position as a part, as an organ in the entire organism of humanity that is obliged to accomplish its work on time, then it will be at its right place. Contemporary people want to support the old god. We know who the old god is. Do not feel offended. This old god has brought all the wars, violence and misery. In the God of Love however, there is not a single lie. This God of Love is looking at all human beings and even at the smallest creatures with equal Love and compassion, being ready to help everyone. And when a little being, whose form has been destroyed, comes to Him, God gives him another form and says, "Continue your work, do not be afraid, go forward". I am asking now, what have we gained after being alive here on Earth for 50 – 60 years? Let us suppose that a mother gives birth to a beautiful daughter, an excellent lass, who is well dressed and who is surrounded by many young men, so she feels happy. I ask, how long will this happiness last – five, ten, fifteen years? Gradually her face will wrinkle, losing its beauty and freshness and becoming ugly, while finally the young men will abandon her. Other beauties will appear and replace her and eventually she will become discontent that her life has no meaning and she is not happy. At the beginning she was content but later on her life lost its meaning. She is in the same situation as that European author who wrote a book pointing that there was not a nobler being on Earth than man and that life was good; but after he went through a crisis and was disappointed by people, he wrote another book stating that there was not a worse being on Earth than man and that the world was bad. Therefore, when we are doing really well, we say, "Everything is great, God is very good". But if we encounter a disaster, a misfortune or an action, which we did not anticipate, we say, "There is not a more unjust God in the world than the present one". The world follows its defined path. Some time ago a highly intelligent and well-educated woman came to me to help her resolve the following puzzle or problem: Her husband, when he was still a young man visited Antwerp, during the exhibition. He had heard of a man in that town, who could tell people their future while he was asleep. Her husband became interested to hear what this man had to tell him and he decided to pay him a visit. The sleeping man told him: "You are going to marry at a very young age, you will have four children, one of them will die. You will marry your wife for love and you will enjoy a happy family life for ten years. After that a blond woman will enter your home, she will destroy your life and you will go to live with her. If you pass this test, in ten or fifteen years you will go back to your first wife and you will live very well." "In fact", said the woman, "one of our children died. When this happened I found among my husband's papers this note telling his future. The blond woman came into our home and destroyed our life." Then she asked me what to do, if she should leave her husband. I told her to follow closely what would happen and see if the rest of the prediction would come true. She asked me how such things were possible. I told her: "Life is predetermined, not in a fatal way, but there are some reasons predetermining people's destinies". Our life, such as it is developing now, is also predetermined by many preceding causes. If we take advantage of these causes, we can improve this life, we can fight evil in the world and we can overcome it. The Hindus call this karma or the fall of man. We are able to fight the fall of man. A man who can fall down, who can sin, he can also stand up and win. However, contemporary religious people go into another extreme in their beliefs: they claim that religion by itself will improve our life completely. This statement is 50% true. Religion cannot improve our life completely. As mentioned this statement is 50% true, because we have control over 50% of our destiny, but there are also other factors regulating our lives and constituting the remaining 50%. I say, 50% of our lives depend on destiny and Nature, 25% on our own selves and 25% on the society. Therefore, when these three factors begin to work together, there will be an occult and moral uplift and improvement. For this to happen, many people have to appear at any cost, who have to work in one direction. When spring comes, does it come with only one flower? – No, it comes with millions, with plenty of flowers. Later on the bees come; and the bustle commences in Nature. This is how unity is created. Consequently, from an esoteric point of view, we resemble little flowers that have just blossomed i.e. our consciousness is at such a level of development that we have just begun to discern good and evil. You may say, "Well, one has to lie a little". No, in the conscious life absolutely no lie is permitted, just like in mathematics no mistakes whatsoever are permitted, because any mistake that slips into architecture or technology will result in undesirable consequences. Similarly the lie we admit in our lives will affect our structure in the same way as the wrong calculations made by an architect will affect a building. Contemporary spiritual people should at least have rules, the way the musicians do. Assign a musical piece to the latter and all of them will keep time during its performance. Commission a painting to a couple of notable painters and all of them will paint it according to the same law. Give a problem to a couple of mathematicians and they will solve it according to the same law. When we consider the spiritual life, we say: "We do not need music, we do not need calculations. God will take care of everything". No, friends, the spiritual life requires strict mathematics, everything is precisely determined there. Whether a person or a nation is happy or not will depend on certain facts that are permitted. Hence, this great law that regulates the life of the present-day European nations, has placed them in their current position. The present civilization that has almost reached its end, began in Egypt, went through Syria, Persia, Rome, England, Germany, America and it is now passing into Russia again, then it is returning to the Eastern continent. From there it will go into a different direction. The wave that is currently coming into the world, stirring humanity, is not mechanical. All of you are destined to take part in it, never mind if you want it or not. And we have to participate in it consciously. What constitutes the nobility of a nation? Why are the English people noble? – Because collective consciousness has been awakened in them. Though they make mistakes, they correct them with ease. The highest concentration of occultists is amongst them. Each nation, in which collective consciousness is being awakened, realizes to a certain degree that everything has to be in accordance with and in subordination to the common goal. The English people have understood this idea to a certain degree. This consciousness is awakening not only amongst the English people, but all over the world. It has penetrated all poor people, all poor widows and orphans. Do you know your situation today? It is like the one of an American preacher, who had the custom to invite poor children to his home and to feast them every day. Ahead of each meal he was accustomed to saying Grace together with them. One day he saw an orphan, a little child. He took him to his home to give him food, but he told him in advance: — Let us say Grace together. They began: — Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. The child paused in silence. — Why are you silent? The child asked: — So, the Lord is our Father? — Yes, He is. — So you are my brother? What the child meant by these words was, "You are a preacher, you sleep in a soft bed, you eat well and what about me, brother – I shiver in the cold, I go to bed hungry". The preacher understood his own situation... This is our situation today as well. Christ has come to save the world. We recite: "Our Father Who art in Heaven..." There must not be poor people in any nation; it is a shame to have poor people today! There must not be poor widows in any nation! It is a shame that today our brothers and sisters have to sell their honor for bread! Thousands of our sisters and brothers are in brothels at present, selling their honor. We say, " There is God, there is Christ in church, in Heaven". Yes, this Christ came for the dissolute – to save them; He did not come for the righteous ones. Hence, today we must have the fortitude to rectify our past mistakes. We must rectify them in any possible way. We have to hold out our hand to our brothers and sisters, who have fallen. Currently, all suffer from misconceived Love. Deprive any flower, any plant of sunlight and you will witness the abrupt change that will occur. Deprive any being of Love and you will witness the same law in action. Therefore, we have to talk about the God of the future not as some distant being, but as a Being working in our hearts, so that we can do His Will and abide by His law voluntarily, without pressure. Now all of you are summoned to this great feast in the world. The God of Love has called upon you regardless of your position and your creed. Today He is calling upon you to rise and take an upward step: not as Bulgarians, Evangelists, Orthodox, Catholics, Muslims, but as intelligent beings, as brothers coming from one Father, with the same blood in their veins. The same blood flows in the veins of all people. If we grasp this fact, we will grasp the New teaching, and thus religion will be reformed. If the future religion does not comprehend this great law, it is condemned to be titled "May it rest in peace" for a hundred years. I am saying a great Truth. The clergy has to know it and inscribe the following sign on the church: "God is Love and we will all sacrifice ourselves for Love". All bishops, priests, mothers, teachers, judges have to write down this law. The common principle must be Love. And when we meet one another, we have to know that we are brothers. Then we will have different knowledge and different science; the current barriers between us will disappear. And a New life will commence, bringing Peace and Joy: Peace – to our minds, Joy – to our hearts and Power – to our human will. Now it is time for all of us to live in this collective consciousness, to realize that there is no death. The human soul and consciousness do not die. The human body is modified, the form is modified, but that is not essential. One changes many bodies, many organs, but as a developing soul, as consciousness in Nature, he does not cease to exist. This is a fact without any exceptions. Examine the Truth and you will see. Therefore, I tell you: examine the Truth that is implanted in you, look for your ideal inside yourselves, inside your souls. You will not find this ideal outside. It is implanted in your souls, in your minds, in your bodies, the same way as the energy is implanted in the seed and the seed is implanted in the ground. It draws the juices from the soil and thus creates all of its organs. Thus the human spirit uses all the energies implanted in our bodies to create the organs of the human body according to the same law. I will mention the following fact: how many years were necessary for the creation of your hand? These finger joints reveal for how many millions of years man has existed; they reveal the history of humanity, the history of human development, the state through which the whole of humanity has passed. If I told you that the human finger recounts the whole history of man, you would say, that this was impossible, that this was a fantasy. Well, for those, who do not understand the laws of Nature, it is a fantasy. Once I was walking with some friends in a pine tree forest. We stopped in front of a pine tree and I said, "The branch rings of this pine tree show the years when there was excess moisture and those when there was less moisture. This can be inferred from these branch rings". You can verify this fact. Therefore, when there was plenty of rain during the year, the distance between the branch rings grew longer and vice versa – if the rainfall during the year was scant, the distance grew shorter. So, it is possible to quantify mathematically and to determine approximately the dampness through time. This is how dampness affects trees. Our bodies are also affected by certain events – individual, social and national. Are you aware of this? We carry the sins of entire humanity. Do not think that we, who are far away from Africa, do not carry the sins of the Africans. Yes, we do. There is an inner force connecting people together and interweaving their lives. Hence in the future, when we grasp this great law, we will realize that all people have to create a good environment for all contemporary miseries to be avoided. Many times I have repeated that only mothers are able to create it. Every mother after conceiving a child regardless of its gender, must say, "Daughter, son, in the future, I want you to live according to the law of Love and to represent its Fullness". If she says this, she will have a daughter or a son hero, who will live according to the law of Love. Each mother has to instill this idea in her children. The young people, who are getting married, must say as follows, "Our sons and daughters have to live for Love, for the God of Love, Who unites people". The new generation will be a bearer of the new ideas, of Divine Love. However, if we continue as we are currently living, if we are born in this miserly way and we still want to reform people, who have been working for thousands of years, we will achieve nothing. One can be reformed only in the womb of one's mother, so that he could live in Love of God; he cannot reform himself. Only mothers can recreate someone, reforming him. He can influence only 50% of his reformation on his own. He is like a ship without a rudder that can be tossed by the waves in any direction. Therefore, the environment for women has to be improved in the future. Women who conceive must have the best environment, but also the surroundings of children must be improved. In addition, we should not go about it mechanically, but according to the law acting in Living Nature. Nature is alive; it is perfect; I read in it what beautiful methods it has! If the Bulgarians apply the methods of Nature, they would improve their wellbeing! What immense riches are hidden in Nature! They could repay all of their debts in ten years. However, they will have to undertake the study of Living Nature. Yet, what are the Bulgarians currently doing? – They are awaiting their salvation from somewhere; they are expecting it from where it will not come. And this salvation is inside Living Nature that has implanted its forces. People have to put these forces in action; they have to begin working according the law of Love, for the good of others. In this way their blessing will descend upon them as well. Hence now, this great law is calling people to brotherhood and sisterhood. Only then we will have a New science of brotherhood and sisterhood. And what is our science now? It is like a little lamb that a child looks after, kisses and makes wreaths for. One day the mother says to her child: "For my little baby to live, we have to slaughter this lamb". The little child cries. You may say, "No, this is the way we should live". Well, do you think that this child of yours will be well brought up? It will ask itself: "How is it possible that this God, Who is so good, allowed the slaughter of this lamb?" – "Well, my dear, God ordered it that way." No, it is not God, who ordered life this way; it is us who did it. Let us now free ourselves from these delusions! Let us not think that God organized the world thus. No, these lambs must not be slaughtered. Currently, we have a culture for killing, for crippling the legs of this or that man. Only gun-shots are heard. All say, "This is for the sake of our homeland". However, what benefit did wars confer to humanity? – Absolutely no benefit. People grew ferocious and their wars brought about today's depravity. And the future wars will not bring anything good either. We have to fight, but in what way? – To fight, but not to kill. Now this law of Love is calling people. The most capable, the greatest, the best people – mothers, fathers, teachers, priests, people without a self-interest – should come to undertake this great work. If they do not arrive on time, others will. Now I will summarize my conclusions as follows: I do not intend in the least to pressure you to believe, but I want you to try. Experiences, experiences are needed and nothing more! There exists an inner experience. As each plant has to find its soil, the conditions suitable for its growth, so has every person in the world to find favorable conditions for his growth and development. Never think that the conditions you are living in are unfavorable. These are only inner, subjective conceptions. In the development of collective consciousness every person occupies precisely his/her place. However, we delude ourselves and we say, "Why am I not like this gentleman". Do not look at this gentleman from outside; he may be rich, he may eat plenty of gourmet meals, but he is unhappy, his inner life is rotten, he has a heart defect, his stomach is malfunctioning. While the other one, the poor, does not have similar riches, but he is healthy and can enjoy his meals. One's happiness is determined by the disposition of the spirit – when one is content with what he receives in a particular moment. When people unite, they must have the same ideas. The ideas of all of us have to be right[3]. I do not say that they are always right but that they are individually right. Hence, from an individual, social and national aspect we have to amend our ideas and introduce the New ones that are coming to the world from above. We have to devise our thoughts and feelings properly, the way plants craft their forms. Some people say, "Nowadays life is very hard". No, as I have said it before, currently you have the most favorable conditions for Life. You are in the position of the Jewish people, who left Egypt. In the desert you may not have meat and some other things, but you will have water and clean air and a Pharaoh will not command you. It is better for you to be free in the Desert than to be a slave and to be able to eat meet and indulge in all pleasures, while the Pharaoh urges you on with his whip and orders you: "Tiles and bricks you will make!" And we answer: "What can we do, we will make them". No, we are not going to make bricks and tiles any more. There is a long road before us in the Desert of Divine Life. All young people, who are able to walk, have to take a backpack and go forward. Do you know what you will be then? – When you meet someone, you will freely continue along your way. At present, when you meet someone, you shrink and you hide in case he may rob you or stick his hand in your pocket. You say, "He is a thief". I say, today the world is full of thieves. Can you tell me who is not a thief, who are those who have not inserted a hand in their father's pocket? Who has not taken from the forbidden fruit? In the future, when we enter a fruit garden, we will say according to the law of Love: "Brother, may I pick fruits from your garden or you will pick them for me?" And he will say: "Yes, you may, brother, help yourself!" When I go to a friend, I will say: "Brother, may I spend the night in your house?" – "You may." This has to be the New teaching. What would you say now? – "Sir, there is a hotel; go there as we do not have spare rooms, there is a housing shortage, etc." And thus the matter will be closed. Now, when you meet someone, you begin to question him: "Are you Bulgarian, do you believe in God, which party do you belong to", etc. I am not saying that these things are bad, but they are not essential. The noble feeling of Brotherhood has to permeate us, so when we meet a woman or a man, we may recognize them as our brother or sisters. If you are able to cultivate this feeling of Brotherhood, you will set humanity on a new footing. Then the current misunderstanding among us will not persist, but there will be a just aspiration instead. This is the Divine teaching that is currently coming to the world. The little children have undertaken it and in ten years they will proclaim it. In ten years the caterpillars will leave their pupae and will fly on their wings. They will say, "No, there is no need for pupae". This law is coming to the world. The facts are now being grouped and the laws are being established. We are transitioning from the material to the spiritual world; everything is transitioning from the individual to the social level. In other words, let us not think only about the law of insurance – whereby everyone cares about leaving an inheritance of a couple of millions to be distributed upon his death here and there. He makes "benefactions" for the rest to say, that so and so person died and left that much money, therefore he was a magnanimous person. No, in the future people will not die and will not need monuments. Consequently, instill Love as an aspiration in your heart, as a feeling in your soul, as a force in your mind and as a principle in your spirit. In this lies the salvation of the human spirit. Thereby, we have to understand Love in these three aspects: as an irresistible downward aspiration in the heart; as an upward feeling in the soul; as a force expanding the human mind and containing the rational principle through which we realize why we live, why we have come and from where, and what our purpose on Earth is. Council lecture given by The Master Beinsa Douno on August 19th 1921, in Veliko Tarnovo Translated by Maia Atanassova Edited by Maria Braikova, Jana and Oleg Roupchini wb_translation_team@mail.bg [1] The Bulgarian word "chovek" signifies a thinking and conscious human, without reference to gender. The current translation uses English equivalents such as "person" and "one" wherever possible. In certain instances the word "man" is used instead. The use of "man", "he", "his", "him" in reference to "chovek" are used to facilitate the reading of the text, however they should be interpreted as an indication of both the feminine and masculine genders. [2] All words referring to brotherhood throughout the lecture are used to denote both brotherhood and sisterhood. [3] The original text uses the Bulgarian word "prav", which can be translated as all of the following: "correct", "right" and "straight". source: www.beinsadouno.org
Cosmic Love Beinsa Douno When you hear the phrase “Cosmic Love”[1], at first it may appear strange to you and you may ask yourselves if Love could be cosmic. It is possible. I use the word “Love” in a very broad sense. I use it to refer to “energy coming from the center of the Universe and going to the periphery”, while “Cosmic Love” I use to refer to “energy coming from the periphery and going to the center of the Universe.” I describe Love as a creative, constructive process, while Cosmic Love – as a process going from the bottom upwards, a building up process. When we talk about culture, about social, political and spiritual life I understand it as Cosmic Love, revealed in its great activity and presented as a conscious process, which is developed individually in the Universe. I ask you to leave for a moment your convictions, whatever they might be, and to reason together with me, without criticizing. If you want to benefit now, place yourselves in a photographic position as if taking exact pictures the way they exist in reality, and after that you may criticize. If you place yourselves in a critical position beforehand, you will not apprehend correctly what I am saying and hence your critique will be irrational. I am speaking about Cosmic Love, because it is a necessary element for all of you. Whoever wants to be healthy and happy shall realize the inner power of Cosmic Love. Many people talk about Love and Cosmic Love, but they confuse them. Love creates, while Cosmic Love constructs. In many cases, however, Love may destroy too. Cats eat mice out of love, because thus they understand and demonstrate the process of loving. Moreover, you know how a cat eats a mouse – it does not take its skin off, it does not throw away its impurities, but it swallows the mouse whole. And it is strange to us how a cat, that is a model of cleanliness, that is so refined in that aspect, could not know how to eat. Many people have the cat’s habit too – they do not know how to eat. When someone swallows a thought in his mind with all its impurities – with its skin, guts, stomach and so on, it shows that he does not know how to eat. Such person has the cat’s gluttony and love. By killing and eating animals, we also show our love for them. If they ask us why we kill and eat them, we shall reply that we do it out of great love for them – we want to put them inside us, not having them outside us only. Love says: “I do not recognize any other existence except my own and any being that is outside me, shall enter into me.” Old people understand Love in that mode; the young generation understands Love in the same way. If we try to accept it in some other way, we expect to come to a contradiction. All people in the contemporary social, political and spiritual life suffer from extreme love, so they get tired of it. More simply said, things look like this: if a woman has too much wool and leaves it without weaving it, the wool starts to smell. In other words: her love starts to smell. She has to find the process of application, starting to wash, pick, spin and weave the wool. Like that woman you have too much wool: you are wealthy people, you are merchants, philosophers, scholars, preachers. All that is fine, but if you do not spin and weave your knowledge, I shall tell you that you are preachers of wool, merchants of wool, philosophers of wool, scholars of wool and so on. You have wool, but it is not spun. Wool should be spun. This will happen, when the great process of Cosmic Love starts, when Cosmic Power is awaked in us or, as the contemporary philosophers say, when High Consciousness is activated in us and we realize that we shall work for the common welfare of humanity, of all living beings, no matter whether we see them or not. In your opinion my thought is a bit strange. It is really so, but not every strange thing is always false, nor is every common and well-known thing always true. I shall give you an example in order to make my point clearer. In the past, in the golden age of human civilization, in the so-called First Race of Gods there lived a great wise man. Once a disciple came to him with the following request: “Will you tell me one of the greatest secrets in Life – how to transform myself into whatever form I want. I wish to be as big as the Sun in order to fill all of space and to be visible to everyone.” The wise man told the disciple: “Let it be as you wish.” The disciple was very pleased and told himself: “I learned that great secret at last, so I will be the happiest being in the world.” But he forgot to ask the Master how to become smaller whenever he wanted. He actually grew in size and was seen by everyone, but he could not communicate with people any more: he could not see them and talk to them, because he was high above them; so he went everywhere alone and felt very lonely. Every one viewed him as extremely huge; many scholars, philosophers, physicists and astronomers started to study him, searching the reasons why Nature had made him so big. Thousands of theories and legends were created about his origin. The great wise man, the Master, only said: “The reason for that size is nothing other than the wish of that disciple to become big in order to be seen by everyone. And I fulfilled his wish.” Another disciple went to that wise man and said: “Master, will you teach me the secret of becoming small, so that no one in the world can see me.” The wise man fulfilled his wish and the disciple became at first very small, then invisible. But that very disciple, just like the first one, also forgot to ask how to return back to his initial form, because after becoming invisible and diving into the greatest depths of existence, he could not return, whenever he wanted. These two disciples present the two opposite poles in the world – one pole forming the big worlds, the other pole forming the small worlds, for example microbes, which nest everywhere, invisible and torturing people nowadays. After some time a third disciple went to the wise man and said: “Master, will you teach me the properties of Light and Heat, will you teach me how to become simultaneously visible like Light and invisible like Heat. Visible like Light in order to enlighten the great worlds; and invisible like Heat in order to warm even the smallest living creatures on Earth.” The Master answered: “Let it be as you wish”. Therefore, at present there are three processes in the world, which develop simultaneously. Complying with one of them, some people want to become rich, to become scholars, philosophers, ministers, generals, to form states. These people become famous, because they have learned the art of enlargement. They know how to attract people and societies to them. But they have not learned the main thing – how to organize people and societies as conscious units. The magnet also attracts iron shavings, but it does not know how to organize them. To organize does not yet mean to educate, to educate does not yet mean to teach the Law of Cosmic Love. Consequently, when we speak about Light we have in mind that process, in which the human mind expands and acquires an inner self-consciousness; and when we speak about Heat – we consider that process, which comes from the periphery towards the center. I call Light arterial blood and Heat – venous blood. When Cosmic Love passes through one’s heart, it takes and throws out all the impurities as the venous blood does. That is why we say that Cosmic Love heals. Light and Heat, i.e. the arterial and the venous blood, are constantly exchanged in the human body, so it is built up and constructed through these two processes. These two currents, these two processes are found everywhere: in everyone’s mind, heart and soul. Consequently, we shall study Life as Nature has created it, not as we see it today. Contemporary people argue about whether or not there is a soul; it is a question of understanding. Since humans have consciousness, they have souls too; since they have thoughts, they have minds too; since they have feelings, they have hearts too. Is it possible to see anything melting without thinking of Heat? Is it possible to see anything alit without thinking of Light? Our delusions are caused by the shadows, cast on us: therefore we shall cast more Light and Heat onto ourselves in order to make our development visible. I shall use an occult story to clarify this great idea. If I speak to you in a philosophic way, the subject will not be interesting to you. I want to make Truth accessible to you, so I shall use the language we have at our disposal. In that kingdom of old, which I mentioned before, the king had two daughters and one of them was very beautiful. One day she went to the great Master of Wisdom and told him: “Master, will you make me so beautiful, that anyone passing by me will be enticed; will you make me so sweet, that anyone seeing me will not want to leave me. And will you deprive my sister of all these features, so that no one will love her and she will always stay at home and not bother me.” The wise man told her: “Let it be as you wish.” The king’s daughter mounted a horse, looked proudly around and said: “I am the king’s daughter!” People, horses, oxen, flies – all beings she met on her way started gathering around her. But the horses around her began kicking each other, quarreling for a place closer to her and they caused everything to be covered in dust. The oxen began pricking each other with their horns and fighting for a place closer to her. The bees as well as the wasps began stinging. It all turned into an awful riot and fight – one by one the animals started falling down dead on the ground. The king’s daughter, watching all that, realized how wrongly she had perceived Life in the Universe. She clutched her head, went to her sister and asked her: “Dear sister, please help me, because I committed an awful crime!” I ask: if a king’s daughter comes to you, provoking so much kicking, pulling of hairs and fighting amongst you, has this king’s daughter brought you the meaning of Life? No. If you are double-minded, if you cannot discover meaning in Life, you shall look for the reason in the mere fact that you have neglected your soul. You sacrifice everything in Life for the beautiful king’s daughter; she represents your body. Philosophers, writers, politicians, preachers, all people live only to satisfy their bodies. We think, that the body is the most important thing in Life – what we eat, how it is cooked, of what products – of meat or of vegetables, whether it is baked or boiled, etc. – and we make banquets with the words: “That is the philosophy of Life.” I say: “That is the philosophy of your stomach.” You say: “Let us improve our social life.” Yes, you mean to improve your social stomach. When your stomach is upset, the social and political life is upset too. Ask a doctor if one is able to philosophize and dabble in politics, when his stomach is upset. Some years ago, on my way back from Kniazhevo[2] I saw a banker in the tram and heard him complaining to his friend that he was put on a diet and he was not allowed to eat for some time, only to drink a little milk. His friend asked him: “Why so? Aren’t you a master of yourself?” — “Yes, but my stomach is upset.” – “Well, since it is so, you have to take the consequences.” His friend gave up any other philosophy, when he heard of the upset stomach. It is the stomach that gives direction to the feelings and actions of many people. Cosmic Love is a great Law distributing harmoniously the actions of all the powers in our consciousness and giving the necessary nutrition to everything it has created: appropriate thoughts – to the mind, appropriate wishes – to the heart; appropriate actions – to the will. But only a mother can teach Cosmic Love; when a mother creates the body of her child, she gives it Cosmic Love through her selfless love. Only those who can sacrifice themselves are alive, because they feel that joy, which revives them. Many rich Bulgarians of former times do not live in the national memory any more, but Botev[3], Rakovski[4] and many others who sacrificed their lives – they are still living in the national memory, because they applied the law of Cosmic Love. Someone may object: “Yes, but Botev was not a believer”. It is not important, if one does not believe in the way we believe; the important thing is whether you have understood and applied the law of self-sacrifice for the welfare of your fellows. That is the important and necessary thing for your final creation. When I am told that someone is not a believer or has eccentric ideas, I ask: “Do these ideas elevate this person, do they elevate society?” If they do, then it does not matter that the person is not a believer. If I carry a lit candle and someone else carries a candle that is not lighted, I ask you, who has the right faith? True believers are those, who carry lit candles. If you see people with unlit candles, tell them to light their candles and then they will become true believers. I also tell priests, preachers, citizens, socialists, communists – all of them – to light their candles and to become true believers. Everyone, light your candles – from the oldest to the youngest! No unlit candles shall remain, because the world needs Light! When Light begins to shine, Warmth will come to the human hearts too; thus all the existing hatred will disappear together with our wishes to be small or big! In cosmic consciousness we solve that problem from the viewpoint not of one nation, but according to that Great law, which gives an impulse and meaning to our lives. Every father and every teacher who deal with children, shall apply successfully the new methods of education and teaching, so that they may help their descendants. Parents send their children to school not only to acquire knowledge, but also to learn how to apply that knowledge in Life. Teachers shall teach the children first of all how to eat, what foods to use, what are their properties and features, which of them are the healthiest and so on; then they shall teach them how to breathe, how to take in fresh air. By ‘air’ I mean mentality, thoughts of any kind, which provide stimuli and give noble impulses to the human souls. Do not think that I want to make you true believers. You are free to behave and feel as you wish. I want only to give you new methods, which you may apply in Life, so that you may avoid contradictions. I compare the present situation of the contemporary society to the state of a caterpillar used to eating leaves, when it is being turned into a butterfly. What will be its nourishment then? It will no longer eat leaves, so it shall learn the art of making wings in order to fly and take the sap from the blossoms. Modern society also is passing from one state to another according to the Law of evolution. Do not think that you will live as you have lived until now. No, God has already deprived you of the leaves – so it is written in the Divine Law. God does not allow you to eat leaves any more, when the time of the butterflies has already come for you – you shall fly and gather sap, you shall use your proboscis. In other words – people shall learn to love. This Teaching brings a new culture, which will create a new race, though contemporary humanity has no idea of it. The humans who will come will be great in every aspect: in Virtue, in Justice, in Love, in Wisdom, in Truth. You will open your homes to them, you will not fear them, you will not call policemen and armies to guard you from them; and they will not impose their convictions violently on you; so the present contradictions will not exist anymore. There will be a New Culture then. Some of you will be honored to enter that Culture and others will remain in the state of caterpillars, if they still keep their old way of thinking. I am not reproaching you, but I tell you this in order to realize that Nature applies the Great law mercilessly and she is absolutely righteous in her actions. After she has placed some people in a certain phase of development, she wants to see results and she will not wait for them; instead they shall wait for her. When I tell you all these things, I do not intend to make you adepts of this Teaching; I am just warning you about the big disaster, which will come for you; if you delude yourselves and stay for another ten years in the form of caterpillars, there will be no food, no leaves left for you. I advise you to make the transformation into butterflies ten days earlier and to start nourishing in the new way. If you allow an illness to advance too much and the blood of your whole body gets poisoned, what will the doctor tell you? “It is too late; you should call me earlier.” Many politicians engage the Bulgarian nation with useless things right now. You should know that every nation has its predestined mission; if a nation does not accomplish its mission as it should, it fails and nothing can save it. Every individual has his predestined mission too. You will object: “Let us take Macedonia, Thracia, Dobrudzha[5] back and we do not need anything else.” No – people, people are needed to rule this state in the right way! When I tell you this, I do not mean, that you all should rush into some political party. I have a very broad view about Life. Human and social life presents a huge tree for me. Does a tree have only one leaf, only one blossom? No, it has thousands of branches, big and small ones, thousands of leaves, big and small ones, thousands of blossoms, big and small ones, thousands of fruits too. If I had enough time, I would tell you in details about each political party. Each political party with its convictions and aims corresponds to a little branch, to a leaf or a fruit of the huge tree. How long can a leaf live, if it is not on the branch of the tree? It will wither in the autumn or it will be taken away when the wind blows. The fallen leaves are still alive, but they are under the rule of the wind and they move only when the wind blows. I ask you now how you want to live – up on the tree or down on the ground. You hear about someone: “That man is living.” He is living, but down on the ground and according to the will of the wind. Whoever has Life in himself is always lively and joyful. When some people say that they do not feel well, it means that they have fallen down from the tree. They have fallen in order torenovate, so that the roots of the tree may suck their sap and then they will reincarnate again as new, young leaves. This is the reincarnation, which bothers many people and which is being argued against. Christ said: “If you are not reborn, you will not see the Kingdom of God.” It means that if you do not reincarnate, you will not enter into the New culture, you will not become members of that Great race, which will bring conditions for the evolution and well being of all creatures. The Kingdom of God is in that Culture. In that Kingdom there will be no dead people, no funeral services, no graves and monuments, but everyone will be happy. All great men like Paisii[6], Botev and others will appear in this Culture, bringing new ideas and as heralds of the New culture. You may hear: “Botev is not here in flesh, but his spirit is here.” Where is his spirit? What should we understand by ‘spirit’?” The fundamental law of Lavoisier[7] is well known: nothing is lost in Nature, everything that has ever appeared continues to exist. Some of the things are visible to one, but invisible to another. If I do not see an object, does it mean that it is not existent? Many theologians, philosophers deal with that quite abstract issue: whether God exists or not. God exists for me, He is Cosmic Love and I see it everywhere, and I understand it very well. Anyone, not me only, who serves God can see Him and talk to Him every day. God is living in you. God is living in every human being without exception. You’d better say no bad things about me, because God lives in me as well as in you and nothing bad can be said about God. You come to listen to me and that fact shows that God has come with you too. What I say is not new, for you have carried it inside you for centuries. Someone may say: “Mr. Deunov preaches a new Teaching.” It is new only for the period of time when it is revealed. If I travel, for example, from Sofia to Turnovo[8] by train, the objects fly quickly in front of me. Some of them become past, others are present and third ones are future. Don’t these objects exist simultaneously? Therefore, the past, the future and the present exist simultaneously, presenting one reality in the world. Those persons who have passed away, those who are living now and those who will come in the future, also present one reality. But I shall leave this question; you have 350, 000 years to solve it and I believe that you will succeed. After that term I shall come again to see how you have solved it. We shall not treat it now, because it seems somehow untimely – it requires many thousands of years to be solved. Contemporary problems are of this sort: people are deprived of bread, of wood, of salt, of sugar, of hygienic homes, etc. Some people speculate about this and say that the culprits should be hanged, the women who create dissentions and other problems should be beaten and we should wage war on our enemies in order to avenge ourselves, so that society will be satisfied and its members will become wiser. Have women not been beaten until now? Have there not been massacres, hangings and wars by now? – “Let us change the judges.” – Will the new judges be any better? Something else is wrong. If I get drunk and things seem strange to me, it is because my personal life is alcoholic, not because everything in the world follows my way. We are like that Bulgarian Ivan, who visited a family and was offered some drink. He drank as much as he could, but then he was persuaded to drink to the health of the mother, to the health of the oldest son, then – of the oldest daughter. So Ivan drank to the health of everybody and he got so drunk that he could hardly go to water his horse. When the horse was watered and when it stopped drinking water any more, Ivan insisted: “Drink to my health.” But the horse drew back and stood aside. Then Ivan said to the horse: “You understand Life better than me. You do not drink more than you need to anyone’s health.” We behave like Ivan: if there is a party somewhere, we drink to the good of a political party, then to the good of a feminine organization, after that to the good of women and so on. We compromise and yield until we start looking like the drunk Ivan and then we say that we do not understand anything. Contemporary people should be aware of their duties to society in order to serve it properly. When someone is asked: “Are you a Bulgarian?” he will answer: “Yes, because I speak the same language and have the same religion as all Bulgarians.” A Bulgarian should not be recognized in this way. I think that a Bulgarian has to be honest and righteous, clever and good. If people possess these four qualities, they are Bulgarian. If they do not possess them, they are not Bulgarian. Someone may say: “This man is a priest.” I ask if he is honest, righteous, wise and good. If he possesses these four qualities, he is a priest. Another may be a lawyer, mother, father, teacher or anything else; but they shall correspond to these four qualities. They are an unconditional necessity in social life. I wish all Bulgarians to possess them. If they do, I will congratulate them. All of you should be dressed brightly inside and outside, should be pure in body and in spirit in the same way as Nature adorns flowers in variety and purity. I say that we must be honest and righteous, wise and good-natured in the full sense of these words – in soul, in mind, in spirit and in power. We shall also have a strong desire to help each other. You could always have Cosmic Love in you. You are miserable, your child has died or you have lost something. Why are you unhappy? The reason is that Cosmic Love is not acting in you. Someone got mad; another one was downhearted – why? – Because they had lost Cosmic Love. When it comes to us, we shall become powerful enough to do everything. People who have that Love acting within them never get downhearted; they know that all the troubles and disasters are only shadows in Life. Do not be afraid of these shadows! I compare troubles in Life to the following: imagine a huge tree with thousands of leaves living peacefully and quietly. When a storm comes, they start jostling and quarreling between themselves: “Why are you so rude and pushing me?” When the storm passes, they start living peacefully and quietly again. In this case the reason for their quarrel is external. If this tree had understood the Law of Cosmic Love in order to avoid the quarrel, it would gradually be transformed into an animal; and if the animal had applied Cosmic Love, it would be transformed into a human being and the human being – into an angel. When humans are dressed in that higher form, they will be able to master the powers of Nature, overcoming all their sufferings. You shall learn this Law from your little children. What do they do when they want something from their mother? They hug her and start caressing and kissing her, tenderly repeating “mama, mama”. What does that hug mean? The child introduces its love by its left arm, and its mind by its right arm. Thus the child surrenders its power to its mother, so she is ready to do everything for her child. That is why children are beloved. Adults say: “Shall I give a kiss or not – I may catch a disease.” Children do not philosophize; if they want to kiss someone, they give a kiss and that is that. If my kiss is capable of healing a person, I am going to kiss him. If it is not capable, I shall not kiss him. Every kiss should bear a certain good in it. When you go to visit someone, you should not go with empty hands, but with a gift. When you go to visit a poor woman, do not fill your purse with banknotes, but fill your bag with bread and fruits. The charity organizations should do the same. Now some of them take money from here and there and then do charity with it. No, my friends, you cannot do good at someone else’s expense, you cannot live in the New culture on someone else’s account. The charities give money to the poor, but then they want to be paid for this work. Nothing should be paid. When I serve, I should serve out of Love. When you visit my home I shall meet you well, I shall nourish you well, I shall wash your hands and legs, I shall give you all the means you need, I shall do all favors to you just as to a friend. This is required by the New culture. Now, when you go to a journey, you may pay a visit to someone for one day, but then you shall take a room in a hotel. The Turkish say: “Han eri, baba eri”[9] The innkeepers are good people; they have a higher position than common people. In the beginning they are very polite, but when you leave, they stop you right away and say to you: “You have to pay.” Do you know in what situation the present-day people are placed? I shall use an example again to illustrate this. A dervish[10] went to a bath, washed well, but on his way out he found out that he had no money to pay. Then he turned to the bath-keeper with “Thank you” and went out. “Wait! Won’t you pay?” – asked the bath-keeper. “ I have no money.” – “Why did you come then?” The dervish wondered what to do, so he turned his thought to God and said: “My God! Give me money or demolish these baths.” In that moment a big noise was heard. The baths were destroyed and the bath-keeper ran over to see what had happened. The dervish went away calmly. When he walked further, he saw an imam[11], who was praying and told him: “I know what you are praying for – money.” Contemporary society has always been suffering from that desire for too much money. And recently the Bulgarian state has issued so many banknotes, but where is the active circulation? There should be effective money. The products of Nature, however, are always effective. If there are wheat, fruits, potatoes – there is culture. Without them there is no culture. Culture is determined by Cosmic Love, sent to us from above. Do not think that the Sun and the other planets do not take part in our lives. The Sun is most of all interested in us and every year it sends a credit of thousand millions to Bulgaria. If you go to the Sun, you will see that its inhabitants have Energy of many thousand millions for the culture of Bulgaria, for Love, for religious beliefs and for spiritual elevation in the way of Truth. Observing the Sun with a telescope today, we say: “The Sun is fire”. I do not agree, because fire is a weak energy. There is energy on the Sun, but it is not fire. It is something more powerful, which could not be expressed in words. The Sun is not a hot body, but a body of immense energy. I am not to discuss the inner aspect of that energy, to explain how it was developed and so on. And would you believe me if I tell you something about the Sun, which is so far away from us? You do not believe in my sincerity, you wonder whether I have any ulterior motives, so how will you believe in these things about the Sun? It is obvious that the Sun is well disposed to us from the energy it sends to the Earth, from the gifts which it prepares every day for us, because Life is impossible without this energy. The solar energy is alive, conscious. If we start thinking about the Sun in that way, we shall be able to receive its energy and it will produce a conscious and proper process of growth in us. So Cosmic Love tells you: “Work for your heart and plant good wishes in it, as every good wish will give a good fruit. Plant good thoughts in your mind, as every good thought is a fruit tree. Plant good actions in your will, as every good action is a fruit tree.” Cosmic Love also says: “Do not doubt yourself, as every doubt is a leprosy.” And Cosmic Love concludes: “Be brave and decisive in Life and in the battles you face. Do not consider your struggle as unhappiness, but as a process of work, allowing you to understand the inner meaning of Life, to find those laws, on which the body is constructed, those laws which the stomach, the lungs, the brain are subject to, so that you can properly organize them.” We shall have suitable conditions, so that Love may be revealed in us. We have these conditions in Life; they are given to us. If we do not use them, we cannot avoid bad consequences. Sufferings show that we have lost the energy of our life. And we are going to suffer till the lost balance is restored. I shall give you an example, proving that our belief or disbelief produces two opposite results. Once upon a time there lived a great artist in Rome. He decided to paint the ideal image of Christ. He started walking through the city in order to find someone who could express this idea. He found a young man – twenty-two or twenty-three years old, and began painting him. The image turned out to be very successful. About three or four years later he decided to paint Judas Iscariot. Again he went out into the city to look for a suitable image. He found one at last and offered to paint him as Judas. Astonished, the young man turned to him and said: “That is very strange, Sir. Four years ago you called me to pose for you as Christ, and now you want me to be a model of Judas.” This young man had lived such a vicious life during the last four years and had distorted his image so much, that the artist could not recognize him. Yes, one may be simultaneously Christ and Judas in respect to oneself and one’s people. We create our character and we have to be masters of ourselves, not expecting a salvation from outside. Salvation is in us. It is nothing other than surmounting all the bad things that discourage us and hinder our development. Mothers are those who recruit members for the different social strata and groups. I have already mentioned that a mother is able to create whatever person she wants while she is still pregnant, while the embryo is still in her womb. Society depends on her to create good or bad members of it. If she has conceived, but creates without Cosmic Love, she will not be able to create what she wants. If, during her pregnancy, she goes to balls, concerts and spends her time in entertainment, she will be the cause for the appearance of people like Judas and then she herself will wonder who was the reason for the perversion of her child. She was the reason. She did not settle on conditions for creating something good. If a child is talented and noble, it is because its mother has understood the Cosmic Law properly and has given an opportunity to her child to use it. Character and strength are passed to child from father, mind – from mother; honesty – from father, righteousness – from mother. Only the father can make his son or daughter honest. Only the mother can make her son or daughter just. There are sometimes honest and clever children, but they are not just and good. In such cases I say that one of the parents has made errors. If the above four features are available in a child, it is a sign that both mother and father have acted in compliance with Cosmic Love and they have embedded these qualities in their child. Cosmic Love is an excellent worker and what is given to Her, that is what She gives out; She will spin what wool you give it, saying: “You gave me this and I use it.” I shall make a comparison in order to clarify my thought with the following story. A young man, whose name was Stoyan, served a wealthy merchant. The servant worked honestly, but everything he earned (sixty levs monthly) he gave to the poor. His master, seeing what his servant was doing, always made remarks that he had to save something for his old age, because there would be no one to take care of him. Stoyan every time kept silence on hearing those remarks or just said: “God is merciful” One day his master fell into a deep sleep and saw a very lively dream: he was walking in a beautiful place and there, among gorgeous nature, he saw a wonderful house. He asked some of the people there whose house it was. “It is your servant’s house” – they answered. “But he is poor; where did he get enough money to buy such a pretty house.” – “He is really poor, but anything he earns on Earth, he sends it here; thus he has made this beautiful house.” Walking further, the master came to a drier, barren place and seeing a small, poor cottage, he asked: “Whose house is that?” – “It is yours, because you did nothing for the needy ones” – they answered him. This story is true in the meaning that what and how much a mother gives to her child in this world, that she will receive; and accordingly she will build in the other world a beautiful house or a poor cottage for her. If she is generous in her love for her child, she will have a palace. By “palace” I mean the human character. If we introduce this Law in present-day life, many sufferings will disappear. I will finish my lecture with another example in order to point out what we need. At the time when Bulgaria was under the Ottoman yoke, there was a Bulgarian who was an apprentice of an artisan of pottery. The young man had studied pottery for many years and it occurred to him that he could work by himself. So he said to his master that he wanted to leave him. His master agreed and then he started working by himself. He made earthenware, dried it in the Sun, then put it finally in the oven, but when he took it out, it always was cracked. He worked in this way for some time, but he got discouraged, because all his pottery cracked. He went to his master again and complained to him: “I do not know what my problem is, but my earthenware cracks when I take it out of the oven.” The master told him: “I may tell you the secret, but you have to work with me three years more.” The young man agreed but while staying there he was closely watching his master, so he saw him taking out the pots from the oven and blowing ‘hu!’ into each one every time. The servant then told himself: “So I had to work for three whole years for one ‘hu’!” You are all put in the oven like these pots. If a master takes you out, no damage will come to you, but if a neophyte does it, your pot will crack. You are the pot. The oven represents the hardships in the world. The master represents your spirit. Stoyan or Ivan represents your soul that is learning how to create. Consequently, if you do not teach your soul to blow, to clench its fist, nothing will come out. To clench your fist means that you give the opportunity for your will to act according to all the rules of the Law. Everyone of you should stand up in front of the oven and say to the master: “Please, blow!” The blowing presents Love. If Cosmic Love comes to you, your spirit will transform your body. Then you will be worthy members of the New culture, of the New race. I would like to congratulate you all as members of this New culture, wishing you to serve it with joy – to be carriers and workers of Cosmic Love. Only in this way can a nation fully fulfil its mission. Only in this way can Bulgaria rise up as a nation and state. Be sure that if you accept Cosmic Love, everything will be resolved in your favour. Nothing bad will occur to Bulgaria; changes will occur without crashes or cataclysms. The New will come and energy will be transferred from the impure pot to another one, which is clean. And we, as representatives of the New culture, will live without hatred, without malice. May Love and Cosmic Love be the two polestars that will pilot our Life on Earth! Council lecture of the Master Beinsa Douno Held on the 24th of August, 1919 Veliko Tarnovo city Translated by Dimitrinka Daskalova Edited by Malinka Koparanova, Maria Braikova and Phyllis Thorpe, USA [1] Cosmic Love – in Bulgarian “Kosmichnata obich”. There are two words in Bulgarian for Love: “lyubov” and “obich”, translated in English as “Universal Love”(“Mirovata lyubov”- the title of the previous lecture) or just “Love” (Lyubov) and “Cosmic Love” (Obich), which designates the human manifestation of Love as universal energy. [2] Kniazhevo – a former village in the outskirts of Vitosha mountain, now a district of Sofia [3] Hristo Botev (1847 – 1876) – a great Bulgarian poet and revolutionary [4] Georgi Rakovski (1821- 1867) – a Bulgarian publicist, one of the leaders of the National Liberation Movement against the Ottoman yoke [5] Macedonia, Thracia, Dobrudzha – geographical districts on the Balkan Peninsula [6] Paisii Hilendarski (1772 – 1773) – the monk who wrote the first history of the Bulgarian nation, one of the leaders of the Bulgarian National Revival [7] Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743-1794) – a famous French chemist [8] Veliko Turnovo – the previous Bulgarian capital; Sofia – the present capital of Bulgaria [9] “Han eri, baba eri” – a Turkish proverb meaning “The innkeeper’s land is like a native land.” [10] Dervish – a Moslem monk [11] Imam – a Moslem priest source: www.beinsadouno.org
Асцендент. Характеристики и функции.
Иво replied to Диляна's topic in Астрология - споделено, въпроси и отговори
Асцендентът показва също физическите характеристики на човека. Неговото здраве, външен вид и т.н. Само по Асецендент и слънчев знак могат да се кажат много неща. Силно поставени планети в първи дом или в близост до Асцендента могат променят общото му влияние. Безплатно изчисляване на Асецендентът ви (англ) - ТУК. Трябва само да знаете географска ширина и дължина на мястото си на раждане, час, минута и дата, имало ли е лятно чaсово време(въведено е 1979г) или не, часовата зона спрямо Гринуич (За България е +2). Други силни зони в един хороскоп са 4-те зони на Гуклен - около Асцендентът, около Десцендентът, около Медиум Цели и около Имум Цели и . Мишел Гуклен, френски учен и астролог, доказва статистичеки, че тези 4-ри зони силно влиаят върху характера и съдбата на човека. Как се дефинира Асцендентът астрономически знаете ли? Иво -
Здравейте, статия: Изкуството на Осъзнатото Сънуване Като бях малък имах няколко случая на осъзнато (ясно) сънуване. На английски се ползва терминът "lucid dream". Отговори на някои често задавани въпроси (FAQ - англ.) относно осъзнатото сънуване можете да намерите - например ТУК. Накратко, осъзнат сън е този, в който разбирате/осъзнавате, че сънувате по време на самия сън. На по-напреднал етап е възможно въздействие върху околната среда в съня, инкубиране на сънища (с избрани предварително места, хора и състояние) по желание, разговор с вътрешния психолог/висшата същност, срещи с духовни водачи, лекуване на страхове, решаване на житейски проблеми, отговори на трудни въпроси и други.... Мисля че тази тема има пряка връзка с темите: Силата на мисълта, Що е съзнание и съзнателен живот, Що е реалност, Основни форми на страх. Имали ли сте подобни опитности? Можете ли да контролирате своите сънища и да сте съзнателни по време на тях? А въобще има ли смисъл човек да се учи да го прави? Поздрави, Иво
"Това, което свързва всички свои части в едно цяло и им дава простор за развиване, е реалност. Реалността всякога присъства във всички свои части" (МОК3, лекция Упътвания и образи) Предполагам че тук става въпрос за Абсолютната Реалност. Погледнато от друга гледна точка има различни видове и нива на реалност. Колкото човек е по-близо до Абсолютната Реалност до толкова повече реалности има достъп. Така поне си мисля. Стъпалата на Космичната Стълба на Реалността са: Първо стъпало: Материята е кондензирана Енергия; Второ стъпало: Енергията е кондензирана Светлина; Трето стъпало: Светлината е кондензирана Мисъл; Четвърто стъпало: Мисълта е кондензирана Любов; Пето стъпало: Любовта е плод на Духа; Шесто стъпало: Духът е проява на Космичното Начало. (виж например тук) Иво
Често ние се лутаме в живота, търсим, борим се, опитваме се да постигнем дадена цел без да знаем за какво и защо. Случва след много лутане и усилия да достигнем целта си само и само, за да разберем, че тя не ни носи вече удоволетворение или пък да разберем, че междувремнно живота ни е минал като пясък през пръстите ни. Може би това е така защото човек не знае какво търси, какво иска и най-вече защо го иска? Може би просто не сме задали правилният въпрос? Според вас какъв трябва да бъде въпросът на който трябва да търси отговор Търсещият? Не случайно се казва Търсещ или Ученик. Какво търси Търсещият? Какво иска да научи Ученикът? Защо? П.С. Всъщност, същият въпрос можем да зададем към себе си за всяко начинание: Какво търся, какво ми липсва? Защо (го) търся.
Здравейте, Аз пък напротив смятам, че има нужда от чакане и от търсене. "Искайте и ще ви се даде!" "Чукайте и ще ви се отвори!" Сещам се за един пример. Един студент (и Ученик) бил в тежко материално положение. Тръгнал към известният български пророк и учител. Само той можел да му помогне според него. Било късно вечер около полунощ. Вънка сняг и студ. Студентът тънко облечен, почти без дрехи. Стига до къщата. Но не смее да почука. "Как ще събудя и безпокоя Учителя" - мисли си той. Стои отвън, но му става все по-студено. Най-накрая се престрашава. Взема решението, дига ръка да почука и точно пред да го стори, лампата на вторият етаж се светва и Учителят му отваря. Мисля че тази история е достатъчно показателна. Докато човек не почне да търси с всичкото си сърце и с цялата чистота на душата си, докато не почне да хлопа всеки ден, всяка минута на Вратата, никога няма да намери своя Учител и никой истински Учител няма да вземе да го учи. Не сте ли на същото мнение? Иво
Здравейте, Защо да се лекуваме и да си помагаме с антибиотик и хапчета ако можем да го правим с билки? Има много и хубави български билки. Имате ли опит в билколечението? Какви билки ползвате и в какви случаи? Някои с повече знания и опит да сподели рецепти? Иво
свързани теми: Гладолечение, Житен Режим 2005, Житен Режим 2006, Захранване след лечебен глад свързани лекции: Житното зърно, Абсолютната Чистота свързани статии: Житни режими. Правилно отношение. - обзорен материал; Мисли за житното зърно свързани притчи: Житното зрънце на Заратустра., Куршум и Житно зърно, Житно зърно, колкото кокоше яйце, Десетте житни зрънца, Притча за Сеяча , Мъдрецът, царската дъщеря и дървото на живота --------------------- Здравейте, През февруари/март месец при намаляване на луната ще се проведе ежегодното лечебно гладуване - житен режим. Накратко обяснено, житеният режим се прави за 9 дена със захранване на десетият ден със (ангелска) супа от картофи, вода и малко магданоз. Всеки ден се дъвчи бвано по 100гр накиснато във вода от предния ден жито разделено на три порции по 33 грама за сутрин, обяд и вечер. По желание може да се добави мед и няколко ореха. За хората с проблеми със зъбите (или ако така повече ви харесва), житото може да се сварява. Целта на режима е физическо, емоционално и умствено пречистване преди началото на пролетта. Организма да се подготви да приеме изобилните енергии (праната) на природата. Особено важно е захранването - бавно и постепенно. По принцип в книгите за гладолечение пише, че колкото дни е гладуването толкова трябва да бъде и захранването. Моят опит обаче показва, че за по нетърпеливите и половината от това време е добре (важно обаче е да не е по-малко!). Т.е. 10 дена гладуване - 5 дена захранване. Инфо за житния режим: примерно ТУК Различни мнения за житния режим: ТУК и ТУК Анкета в Портала: ТУК Житното зърно (беседа): ТУК Ето моят споделен опит от миналата година - Житен режим 2003: Правя житният режим вече няколко години поред и съм изключително доволен... Имам мноого добри резултати. Първите един два пъти го правех с повече плодове, по-скоро като разтоварителен плодо-режим, отколкото житен. Беше ми трудно да издържам. Тази година житният режим за мен тече особено гладко. Чувство на глад се появи чак на 8-ият ден. Чувствам се по-добре физически и психически. Все повече разбирамм, че важна част от физическото чистене е и чистенето на мислите и чувствата. Досега това ми беше известно повече на теория. Тази година направих малки опити и в това отношение. Не е лесно човек да поддържа мислите и чувствата си чисти... Хубаво е по време на режим да се държи в съзнанието идеята за "абсолютната чистота"... трудно става практически, но е възможно. "Абсолютната чистота" е метод даден от Учителя, който можем да приложим във всички сфери на живота си. Приятели, моля споделете своя опит за Житният Режим. Как сте го правили досега? Имали ли сте проблеми? Изпитвате ли трудности? Как се чувствате по време и след режима? Кави езот. методи използвате, за да чистите мислите и чувствата си по време на режим? Искате ли да го правим заедно тази година? Очасквам с нетърпение вашите отговори, мнения и коментари.
Още от същият филм "Минал живот" (Past Lives - stories of reincarnation) даван на 17.01.2004 - 00:00 и на 18.01.2004 по Discovery. В САЩ съществува организация, която събира, документира и изследва случаи за спомени от минали животи. Организацията съществува от !над 40 години и е събрала над 2700 случая от цял свят. Джим Тъкър е детски психиатър и преподавател в Университета на Вирджиня (University of Verginia). Изследователската му практика показва, че децата си спомнят факти от минали животи най-вече между 2-3 до 5-6 година. Ако не им се обърне внимание, след 8-9 година забравят. Дете си спомня:"Когато отидох на Небето, Бог ми даде една карта. Всички с такава карта могат да се върнат." Друго дете:"Не исках да се връщам, но Бог ме прати при вас." Интересно да се отбележи, че такъв род спомени се наблюдават при деца независимо от тяхната раса, пол или вяра. Това дава допълнително основание на учените да изследват по-подробно феномена. Още един случай изследван от д-р Тъкър. Малкият Гас от Колорадо един ден казва на бащта си факти за дядо си, които няма къде да знае... с думи от сорта: "Когато бях голям и ти бях баща се случи..." Бащата е учуден и уплашен, но след време забравя за случилото се. Един ден бащата разглежда стари снимки (черно бели) на дядото. Детето, което никога не е виждала дядото, точно го посочва на снимката и казва: "Това съм аз". Малкият Гас разказва и други строго специфични факти от живота на дядо си, които няма от къде да знае. Викат специалисти и документаират случая. След време бащата споделя, че отначало е бил много скептичен пък и никога не е вярвал в прераждането, но сега твърди: "Всичко е възможно." Друг подобен случай е с малкия Иън. Ражда се с порок на сърцето... малко след смъртта на дядо си. Правят му четери операции, за да го спасят. Когато пораства малко започва да разказва отново удивителни неща за дядо си, които няма от къде да ги знае. Учените изследват случая. Стигат от удивителни разрития. Дядото е бил полицай и е бил застрелян близо до сърцето по време на служба. Снимките и аутопсията показява, че е засегната белодробна артерия. Получава кръвоизлив и умира. Това е точно същата артерия, с която Иън има проблем още от самото си раждане. Изследвани са и други деца с подобни спомени. Явно, белезите или дълбоки физичвеки наранявания от минал(и) живот (ако приемем тезата за реинкарнацията) отбелязват физически следи/белези/недъзи/проблеми в новороденото. Проф. Даралдсън изследва случая, който споменах отркивайки темата. Действието се развива в Шри Ланка. Също една удивителна история. Учените заключават, че все още не могат да се произнесат дали има прераждане или няма, но фактите са налици и ще продължат да ги изследват. Иво
Разделно хранене, рецепти за разделно хранене
Иво replied to Иво's topic in Пречистване, режими, диети
Мерси Сев! Основният принцип на разделното хранене, доколкото аз съм запознат, е несмесването на алкални, белтъчни и въглехедратни храни. Ето няколко линка по темата: Разделно хранене - за и против Практическо приложение на разделното хранене Храненето от холистична гледна точка Сев, какво би препоръчала на начинаещите в разделното хранене? Ти имаш опит все пак. -
Ето няколко линка, които биха били полезни: Организма на човеkа е предназначен за вегетаринство: ТУК Гладуване и вегетарианство - ТУК Още научна информация за вегетарианството: ТУК Материал от българското вегетарианско сдружение - ТУК Веге Портал (англ) - ТУК Често Задавани Въпроси за Вегетарианството (англ) - ТУК Някои факти за вегетарианството: - Над 10 на сто от населението на планетата са вегетарианци. - 10 млн. американци - 4 на сто от населението на САЩ, не консумират друга храна, освен растителни продукти - В момента само в Ню Йорк има около 1000 вегетариански ресторанта, а в индустрията на вегетарианското хранене са заети милиони. - В Индия вегетарианците са над 80 на сто населението на страната. - Европейският рекорд по брой на вегетарианци е на Великобритания, където от 60 млн. души 3,5 млн. не ядат месо. - 3 на сто от французите са вегетарианци, а 0,3 на сто отказват да ядат яйца, мляко и млечни продукти, защото смятат, че да не се яде месо, но да се консумират животински продукти и да се носят дрехи от вълна и кожа, означава да се окуражава промишленото отглеждане на животни. (източник - ТУК) Някои от последните книги (не съм ги чел) излезли на пазара (сложих линкове към произволно избрана една от Интернет книжарниците) във връзка с вегетарианството: - Знаменити вегетарианци - Духовно учение, живот, философски възгледи и техните любими рецепти: от Буда до Бийтълс - Вегетарианският живот. Как да сме вегетарианци в този още месояден свят. - Основни принципи на вегетарианството - Вегетарианска кухня - модерна и традиционна - Илюстрована вегетарианска кухня - Да бъдеш вегетарианец Някои от по-известните привърженици на вегетарианството: Питагор, Платон, Сенека, Монтен, Сократ, Нютон, Волтер, Плутарх, Диоген, Леонардо да Винчи, Бенджамин Франклин, Махатма Ганди, Бърнард Шоу, Ван Гог, Лев Толстой, Хенри Дейвид Торо, Емерсон, Жан Жак Русо, Емануил Сведенборг, Марк Твен, Мартин Лутър, Ламартин, Алберт Айнщайн, Парамаханса Йогананда, Беинса Дуно, Кришнамурти, Томас Единсон, Челси Клинтън, Пол и Линда Макартни, Фил Колинс, Уитни Хюстън, Майкъл Джексън, Шаная Туейн, Принс, Майкъл Болтан, Дейвид Духовни, Дани Девито, Ричард Гиър, Ким Бейсинджър и още и още Цитати от известни личности за вегетарианството(англ) - например ТУК Иво
Здравейте, Вчера гледах част от един филм (17.01.2004 - 00:00 "Минал живот" ) по Discovery за прераждането. Различни групи от учени изследваха въпроса. Направи ми впечетлението изследването на един учен психолог, който изследваше случай, в който петгодишно момиче си спомня с големи подробности предния си живот - места, случки, място на смъртта. Тръгват да правят проучване. След дълго търсене наистина намират същото място, което момичето описва, същото семейстово и и т.н. 12 специфични факта от общо 20 изказани от момичето почти напълно отговарят на действителността. Родителите, които намират наистина преди време са загубили детето си по абсолютно същия начин, както описва малкото момиченце. Впечетляващо нали! В същия филм показаха (ще го повтарят на 18.01.2004 рано сутринта в 3 часа) и експертно мнение на учени и доктори, според които не е възможно паметта да се запази след смъртта на мозъка. При това положение излиза, че има само едно възможно обяснение на подобен род случаи - прераждане! И все пак как човек помни? Защо някои помнят, а други не? Има ли прераждане? Запазва ли се нещо след физизческата смърт на човкеа? Ако да, възгледите на много от учените за цялото Битие трябва да се променят? Ако не - как да се обеснят подобни феномени тогава? P.S. Линк към още информация по подобна проблематика - ТУК Поздрави, Иво
Здравей Надя, Благодаря за интересната тема! Всеки човек вярва в нещо или в спектър от неща. Важно според мен обаче е към какво насочена вярата на човека. Един вярва в силата на парите, друг вярва в любовта, трети в Бог и т.н. Но може би основата на всички тези различни вярвания е вярата в себе си. Ако човек не вярва в себе си малко неща може да постигне. Вярата в собствените способности, като че ли дава сила. Не е лесно човек да вярва в себе си. Във всеки се проявяват различни сили, енергии, мисли, желания. На кои да вярва и на кои да даде път? На какво в нас да вярваме? Поздрави, Иво
Доколко Астрологията определя нашaта съдба
Иво replied to Иво's topic in Астрология - споделено, въпроси и отговори
Здравей Надя, Това май дава отговора на въпроса дали Астрологията определя или показва съдбата на хората. Може би сега е ред да обсъдим човешкия фактор в астрологичните предсказания. Какво значи добър астролог според вас? Иво -
Здравейте, Как бихте дефинирали релността? Дали реалността е само това, което можем да пипнем, видим, чуем, помиришем, вкусим? Ако е така, любовта дали е реалност тогава? А сънищата дали са реалност? Иво
Ето как например жената ще спаси света: "Ако майката, която е заченала своето дете, е въодушевена от велики идеи за човечеството, тя още в бременно състояние ще предаде на детето си всички качества. Тя е като Бог на детето и може да направи от тази кал там каквото иска; защото излезе ли веднъж от утробата на майката, детето става вече независимо в мислите и чувствата. Ако майката вложи всички свои качества на Любов и Мъдрост в детето си при деветмесечното бременно състояние, детето ще има към своята майка през целия си живот хубаво разположение и всякога ще бъде готово да се жертва за нея. Когато някой син каже на майка си "защо си ме родила", разбирам, че майката, когато го е носила, е мислила противни неща или пък баща му е бил в такова състояние. Синовете и дъщерите носят мислите на своите родители. Това е заключението, до което и съвременната наука е дошла." (Беинса Дуно, източник - тук) Иво
Червеното в низшата си октава дава раздразнителност, нервност, сприхавост, отмъстителност - марсов цвят е. Недоволството също се свързва с червения цвят. Въобще цветовете могат да бъдат активни и пасивни. Ако ви обиди някой, има два начина на реагиране в низшата октава на червеното - или човек да се разгневии да извади юмруци ако е по-силен (активно проявление) или ако е по-слаб да си каже - аз ще му отмъстя (пасивно проявление). Това обаче не е нишо друго освен неизползвана енергия. Хората, които лесно се гневят трябва да намерят начини за канализиране на тази енергия, всеки според интересите си. Пример: медитация, успокояваща музика, спорт, работа с градина и цветя, пиене на билки (днес един познат ми каза, че маточината също имат успокояващ ефект), дълбоко дишане, мисловна работа с с друг цвят за неутрализиране и т.н. Зеленото ако се прекали с него може да доведе до фантазиране, преувеличаване, заспиване на съзнанието, а от там и до мързеливост. От тази гледна точка, екскурзиите през зимата в планината могат да бъдат по-плодотворни. Белотата и синьото небе (бяло и синьо) задействат позитивните сили в организма, тонират, събуждат. Когато човек няма условия за истински екскурзии може да се прави умствени такива. Правил съм малки подобни опити и дават резултат. В южните склонове по планините има повече енергии на синия цвят, най-здравословните места са това. В северните склонове - енергии на зелено, оранжево и червено. за справка: МОК3, том1, лекция Езикът на Природата