petarstankov Добавено Август 18, 2005 Доклад Share Добавено Август 18, 2005 Last night I had to pass through a dark forest in the mountain. My fears tried to scare me, but as a reaction I was filled with the purity I've had when I was small. I was nobody. I was just a part of the Whole. I was connected with the Reasonable Force. The thoughts that were wispered to me were a realization of the words "I am not this body" and "I am a servant of Krishna" and "the nectar of devotional service", "the servent of the King is almost as happy as the King". The world seems to be sick of the "I". There is no such thing. This body is a servent of the Force and it depends on its "health" weather it serves Reasonably - i.e. by moving for the pleasure or it serves foolishly - by moving in order to do something from which "I"-the wrong ego-will get temporary pleasure-"sense gratification". Линк към коментар Share on other sites More sharing options...
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