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Ред 34: Ред 34:
I would like you to be happy. The happiness is a law of the Divine thought that is invested in you. The true and right thought means such state of consciousness when you accepts the existence of the First Cause, The One, Who has been thinking for a long time while at last has created a perfect world with great blessings that everybody desires to receive. How will you reach these blessings? When you think and learn.
I would like you to be happy. The happiness is a law of the Divine thought that is invested in you. The true and right thought means such state of consciousness when you accepts the existence of the First Cause, The One, Who has been thinking for a long time while at last has created a perfect world with great blessings that everybody desires to receive. How will you reach these blessings? When you think and learn.
Summary of a talk that was given by the Master on 22nd March, 1935, 5 a.m. Sofia - Izgrev
''Summary of a talk that was given by the Master on 22nd March, 1935, 5 a.m. Sofia - Izgrev''
2 Беинса Дуно, Акордиране на човешката душа, т. 2, С., 2000, с. 56.

Текуща версия към 11:35, 10 февруари 2011


Статии, посветени на Учителя и Учението

Статии от списание Житно зърно

сп. Житно зърно бр. 23 / 2010 г.




If misery befalls you, it indicates that case you do not think. When you say that your fate is miserable, then you do not think. The only reason for the misery and contradictions in life is that people do not think. If you have debts, if you are ill and unhappy, that means that you do not think and do not love. What do you need to do? Start thinking right. Then you will find yourselves in the natural state of flowers and trees, which are blossoming, and fruits that are growing ripe. Everything around you will change and you will see the world in a new light. And then, you will find yourselves in the real human world.

Actually, in my opinion, the only one who does think is God. Since He thinks, He is happy. Since He has been thinking, He has created a perfect world. Therefore, if you walk along the path of God, the path of perfection, you will have nothing to complain about. People complain because they do not think as God does. It is useless to philosophize or discuss why the world is organized in this way or that way. The way the world is created, speaks about the right thought of the Sublime. So we do not have to ask the question why the world was created in this way, but why it was created. Why was the world created? For we have to think. Why do you seek the mistakes in the world? God is perfect, He does not have mistakes. Consequently, the world, which has been created by Him, does not have mistakes. The mistakes are in people.

The process of thinking should penetrate deeply into the existence of people, who should say when they wake up in the morning: "I should think as God does, I should love as He does." Why is that necessary? Because only by means of Love, which has been manifested, God has created, worked and given rise to the whole Universe. Only through Love that He possessed, God was able to consider the needs even of the smallest tiny beings and to satisfy them. Everything in the world, the whole Universe is a result  of God's loving thought.

The Mighty, Who has created the human being, says: "My child, learn how to think! To think - this is the loveliest, the most beautiful thing I have destined for you!" And when God led the first people in Paradise, He told them: "You must not eat of the tree in the midst of Paradise. It is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. To observe this commandment, you should think." They didn't think much, and they tasted the forbidden fruit and thus committed a sin. If they had been thinking, they would not have committed a sin.

I say to you: The disciple must think! If the disciples do not think, they will always understand the things in a wrong way, and they will come upon contradictions, which will impede them. Those who do not think, they will become alienated from the face of their Master by themselves.

Life in the true sense of that word requires a right thought. That implies rich inner life. The progress of people is determined by their thought. The twisted thought brings bad consequences thus bringing the evil in the world. Where does the evil lie? It is in the disobedience. Who are disobedient? Those who do not think. Who are restricted? Those who do not think. Those who think, they are always free.

The world can be reformed only through the right thought - nothing more!

So you should know that those who do not think, they are exposed to sufferings, miseries and death. This means hell, darkness and obscurity in the consciousness. Life, happiness, bliss and love await those who think; God's welfare awaits them. This means to travel without any restrictions, to enter into heaven. That is why, this year you should hold in your mind the thought to think the way God thinks. When you wake up in the morning, say: "I want to think as God does, to see the good and beautiful in everything." Do not hold in your mind any negative thought. What will the negative thoughts give to you? Nothing! For that reason, think only of what the Sublime Origin has created in life; think about the stars, the Sun, the sky, the fresh air, the clean water, the food, the plants and animals, the human being. Think about your mind, your heart, your soul and your spirit! Think about the welfare that has been given to you! Think about the sublime and the beautiful in the course of 35 years at least, if you want to acquire patience. People who think are patient. They succeed in life. Christ knew that. When He came on Earth, He went through great sufferings in which He manifested His patience. Therefore He said: "I came for that hour." His patience and His mind were tested in these sufferings. "For this hour I came" - that means: "I came into this world to think." The sufferings will continue for a day or more and then will pass off. In the great sufferings, people learn to think. In my opinion, every misery, every illness, every hardship is good or it has been given for good. There are no sufferings, no illnesses in the world. These are problems that have to be solved, which will teach people how to think. When God lives within people and people - within God, there aren't any sufferings in the world.

What kind of thought should we have? Pure and right. The right thought is a magic stick through which all things can be settled at once.

I would like you to be happy. The happiness is a law of the Divine thought that is invested in you. The true and right thought means such state of consciousness when you accepts the existence of the First Cause, The One, Who has been thinking for a long time while at last has created a perfect world with great blessings that everybody desires to receive. How will you reach these blessings? When you think and learn.

Summary of a talk that was given by the Master on 22nd March, 1935, 5 a.m. Sofia - Izgrev